[pmwiki-users] noleft in SiteHeader suppresses leftbar except for page-actions (mostly)
michael paulukonis
xraysmalevich at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 22:23:22 CDT 2013
Thanks -- I'll give it a try this weekend.
-Michael Paulukonis
<http://goog_2112721603>Interference Patterns (a
@XraysMonaLisa <https://twitter.com/XraysMonaLisa>
Sent from somewhere in the Cloud
(hearthrug, by the fender)
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 10:28 PM, John Rankin <john.rankin at affinity.co.nz>wrote:
> On 6/09/13 1:12 PM, michael paulukonis wrote:
> Hrm.
> If I put SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt', 0) in config or the skin, it
> ALWAYS surpresses the left-content.
> I would like it to be suppressed when the (:noleft:) markup is present on
> the page, or in the header.
> Now, SiteHeader would suggest it is almost always present, but I want to
> be able to turn it off by wiki-editing the appropriate content.
> Is there a way to get a Header (Group or Site) enabled for edit, diff,
> history, login, etc?
> I think it can be done with a modification to the skin. The template file
> format includes the option
> <!--function:SomeFunction args--> This directive calls a PHP function
> named "SomeFunction", passing the current page's name and the text
> following the function name as arguments. PHP functions called in this
> manner are typically defined in a local customization file.
> Suppose the template includes:
> <!--function:HideLeftColumn $Group.GroupHeader Site.GroupHeader-->
> The function HideLeftColumn would need to read $Group.GroupHeader (if it
> exists) and if it doesn't exist, read Site.GroupHeader (if it exists). Look
> for (:noleft:) in the page text and if found, execute
> SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt', 0);
> There is a very small performance hit because pmwiki will have to parse
> the GroupHeder file twice, but normally this is a small file, so the extra
> overhead is very small.
> Note that it will read the GroupHeader even if the body of the page
> includes a (:nogroupheader:) directive, which may not be a desired
> behaviour.
> I have not tested this, but I think it should work.
> ...
> -Michael Paulukonis
> http://www.xradiograph.com
> Interference Patterns (a blog) <http://www.xradiograph.com%5Cinterference>
> @XraysMonaLisa <https://twitter.com/XraysMonaLisa>
> http://michaelpaulukonis.com
> JR
> --
> John Rankin
> Affinity Limited
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