[pmwiki-users] Markdown options

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Thu Jan 5 13:03:31 PST 2023

I don't use and haven't reviewed these recipes, so I cannot recommend 
them, but here is what I can tell from a glance.

MarkdownMarkupExtension seems better supported as Said Achmiz 
contributed to it and he is an active developer.

The problem with this recipe is you may need to wrap your Markdown in 


and not simply writing markdown instead of PmWiki markup.

Additionally, I am not sure if this will keep track of backlinks and 
other core PmWiki features you may need.

The other recipe, Markdown, appears to disable all core markups, then 
selectively reenable some of them, plus the Markdown rules. So it would 
be simpler for you to simply write the markdown instead of wrapping it 
in directives.

Again, I am not sure how well it integrates with the PmWiki core 

The biggest problem for this recipe is that it uses older markup 
configuration rules that are incompatible with recent PHP versions. It 
looks like a lot of work to update all rules.

I think it may be easier to fix and integrate MarkdownMarkupExtension. 
You may try contacting Said if for some reason you cannot make it work.

You could use an edit template for new pages to pre-fill the markdown 
wrapping directives, or you can add a GUI edit button to easily insert 
them in a page.


On 05/01/2023 06:09, Wolf Drechsel wrote:
> As I became more and more familiar with markdown, using it for PMWiki
> would be great. There seem to be two approaches:
> + https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Markdown
> + https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MarkdownMarkupExtension
> I could not make one of the work - maybe my incompetence. But to be
> certain - do both of them still work?
> And - in case - which of them is recommended for a new, clean
> "markdown-only" PMWiki?

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