[pmwiki-users] Markdown options

Wolf Drechsel wd at trolink.de
Wed Jan 4 21:09:12 PST 2023


back to PMWiki - had used it for years and still love it for its
overall effectiveness ! - Thanks for providing and maintaining it!

As I became more and more familiar with markdown, using it for PMWiki
would be great. There seem to be two approaches:

+ https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Markdown
+ https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MarkdownMarkupExtension

I could not make one of the work - maybe my incompetence. But to be
certain - do both of them still work?

And - in case - which of them is recommended for a new, clean
"markdown-only" PMWiki?

Thanks a lot in advance, Wolf  

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