[pmwiki-users] Attempting to get pits-0.23.php operational
Petko Yotov
5ko at 5ko.fr
Tue Mar 26 17:36:21 CDT 2013
The PITS recipe was developed by Pm for the PmWiki issue tracking system. It
was later modified by me to help more easily prioritize the open feature
requests, enable some caching and change the layout to something more
Other developers who needed different features have "forked" the versions
running at pmwiki.org and released their own versions at different times. It
seems that these versions pits-0.22.php, pits-0.23.php, ... derive from the
first generation of the PITS.php file, and are now quite different from our
current version.
With regrets, I have to admit that I have never found the time to examine
these modified versions and include their changes and features in the basic
If you're trying to use the file PITS.php, it is the one running on
pmwiki.org and supported by me, and I can try to help in case of problems.
If you're using another version released by another developer, it may be
best to contact him for support.
David Sovinski writes:
> « HTML content follows »
> Using pmwiki-2.2.39
> I installed pits-0.23.php according to my understanding of the instructions.
> 1) I placed a copy of pits-0.23.php into my Farm cookbook directory and
> renamed it to pits.php
> 2) I placed a file Convent2.php in my /local directory which contains the
> single line
> <?include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/pits.php");
> I accessed the page <URL:http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?
> n=Convent2.ITS>http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.ITS and
> created a new issue at
> <URL:http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?
> n=Convent2.NewIssue>http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?
> n=Convent2.NewIssue
> the PITS Form is shown as I expected BUT there are two problems...
> 1) When I click "Submit new issue" the contents are not transferred to the
> pmWiki edit window.
> 2) I re-typed the entry into the pmWiki window and saved it as a
> Feature/Change Request. pmWiki created the page
> <URL:http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?
> n=Convent2.00001>http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.00001
> but it is not displayed in the
> <URL:http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?
> n=Convent2.ITS>http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.ITS
> page. The program "knows" it should be there because it no longer display the
> "No bugs ;-)" default message.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks
> --
> Dave
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