[pmwiki-users] Attempting to get pits-0.23.php operational
David Sovinski
aslan at aslandata.com
Wed Mar 27 16:13:35 CDT 2013
Thanks for your response Petko
I have been using the PITS recipe for years! It has been very helpful in
several projects.
At this time I have several volunteer software projects on the same wiki
field (revolving around a common topic) each of which needs to have its
own PITS recipe running. Right now the PITS recipe only works with one
instance per field.
My biggest "problem" is that I am used to Rapid Application Development
(RAD) development software and am pretty well "up a creek" if I can't
single step through a program to see what is happening in real time.
If someone has had success implementing pits-0.23.php I would be very
glad to hear from you.
If there is someway someone can point me to how to figure it it out
myself, that's probably even better.
On 3/26/2013 5:36 PM, Petko Yotov wrote:
> The PITS recipe was developed by Pm for the PmWiki issue tracking
> system. It was later modified by me to help more easily prioritize the
> open feature requests, enable some caching and change the layout to
> something more compact.
> Other developers who needed different features have "forked" the
> versions running at pmwiki.org and released their own versions at
> different times. It seems that these versions pits-0.22.php,
> pits-0.23.php, ... derive from the first generation of the PITS.php
> file, and are now quite different from our current version.
> With regrets, I have to admit that I have never found the time to
> examine these modified versions and include their changes and features
> in the basic version.
> If you're trying to use the file PITS.php, it is the one running on
> pmwiki.org and supported by me, and I can try to help in case of
> problems. If you're using another version released by another
> developer, it may be best to contact him for support.
> Petko
> David Sovinski writes:
>> « HTML content follows »
>> Using pmwiki-2.2.39
>> I installed pits-0.23.php according to my understanding of the
>> instructions.
>> 1) I placed a copy of pits-0.23.php into my Farm cookbook directory
>> and renamed it to pits.php
>> 2) I placed a file Convent2.php in my /local directory which contains
>> the single line
>> <?include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/pits.php");
>> I accessed the page
>> <URL:http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.ITS>http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.ITS
>> and created a new issue at
>> <URL:http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.NewIssue>http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.NewIssue
>> the PITS Form is shown as I expected BUT there are two problems...
>> 1) When I click "Submit new issue" the contents are not transferred
>> to the pmWiki edit window.
>> 2) I re-typed the entry into the pmWiki window and saved it as a
>> Feature/Change Request. pmWiki created the page
>> <URL:http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.00001>http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.00001
>> but it is not displayed in the
>> <URL:http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.ITS>http://www.helpcave.org/TestPits/index.php?n=Convent2.ITS
>> page. The program "knows" it should be there because it no longer
>> display the "No bugs ;-)" default message.
>> What am I missing?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Dave
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David Sovinski
ASLAN Data Services, Inc.
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