[pmwiki-users] Troubleshooting versus FAQ versus Error Messages versus ...?

Pico pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Sat Mar 11 22:44:13 CST 2006

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 11, 2006 at 07:26:01PM -0700, H. Fox wrote:
>>  The first FAQ Q/A pair is:
>>     How do I get my question answered?
>>     The quickest and best way is to join the pmwiki-users Mailing List
>>     and post your question there. If it really is a frequently-asked
>>     question, it will eventually be added to this page.
> While I agree that this is often the quickest way to get
> an answer (assuming the answer isn't already in the documentation), 
> I'm not sure it's best for many people.  
> First, I think a number of people will simply decline to ask
> the question and will start looking elsewhere.  Many mailing lists
> have a reputation of being unfriendly to newbie questions -- thus
> the frequent expressions of (pleasant) surprise when people ask
> their questions here and get a helpful and rapid response.  I think 
> that's a great part of community building and an essential part of 
> PmWiki, but I wonder how many people simply turn away at that
> point.
> But the real issue has often been that I (and I suspect others)
> don't get around to answering things on the Questions page
> because I'm used to doing it via email, which is a push resource
> for me.  Maybe if I get the per-page/per-person notifications in
> place this would be easier, since I and others could subscribe
> for notifications of the Questions page.
>>     An alternative way is to leave your question on the Questions page.
>> The questions page has a reference to the FAQCandidate page, which is
>> for question with answers.  So...
>> Questions - Unanswered questions
>> FAQCandidate - Questions with answers
>> FAQ - FA Questions with answers
> This seems to me like it's just adding more places to store
> questions and answers and more places to search and have to
> coordinate.  I'd feel better if we could get by with fewer somehow.
> Pm
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If I was one of those bits of information (question, tip, what-have-you) 
I would want to be a small page in a big group that covers all the 
little pages of questions, answers, tips, all categorized and readily 

If I was one of those bits.


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