[pmwiki-users] Zap Data Form Extra Vertical White Space -Gemini or PmWiki?
katir at hindu.org
Wed Dec 13 18:24:58 CST 2006
Since the content we are concerned about is
a form idisplayed (as in include of Main.ToDoForm) in the
would there be a way to disable the new line mark up directive
just for the Site.AllGroupHeader? or Main.ToDoForm?
e.g. Something like this;
if ! equal $Fullname Site.AllGroupHeader (then)
$HTMLPNewline = '<br />';
But, hmmm if one is on page FooProject.BarPage
will PMWiki realize that it should disable the mark up only for the header
and not the rest of the page?
Sivakatirswami wrote:
> Indeed:
> In Farmconfig.php
> we have
> $HTMLPNewline = '<br />';
> ZAP is doing the insertion of those lines behind the scenes, so I have no
> control over this at the markup level. But I also don't want to\\
> to back to requiring\\
> users to enter\\
> those "horrid" things\\
> just to get new lines (smile)\\
> So, I guess we just live with
> a couple of blank lines at the top of the form...
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2006 at 05:39:25PM -1000, Sivakatirswami wrote:
>>> No go...table doesn't help. either ZapData, PMwiki or Gemini
>>> is still prepending "<br />" line breaks before hidden input lines:
>> Are you setting (:linebreaks:) somewhere, either in the
>> markup text, a GroupHeader, or in a local customization?
>> If so, then each linebreak in the input results in a linebreak
>> in the output, and this includes (:input hidden ... :) fields
>> that may be generated by ZAP or other recipes.
>> Pm
>>> <div id='wikitext'>
>>> <form method='post'>
>>> <p><input type='hidden' name='action' value='zap' />
>>> <br /><input type='hidden' name='ZAPkey' value='540853' />
>>> <br /><input type='hidden' name='datapage' value='TODO-{Project}.#' />
>>> </p>
>>> <table ><tr><td valign='top'>Project:
>>> </td><td valign='top'><select name=Project>
>>> SNIP///
>>> <br /></select>
>>> </p></td></tr><tr><td valign='top'>Description:
>>> </td><td valign='top'><input type='text' name='Description' value=''
>>> class='inputbox' size='50' />
>>> </td></tr></table>
>>> <p><input type='hidden' name='returnpage' value='Main.ToDoEntry'
>>> /><input type='hidden' name='savedata'
>>> value='ID,Project,Owner,Priority,Status,Description,returnpage' />
>>> <br /><input type='submit' value='Submit' class='inputbutton' />
>>> </p></form>
>>> Sivakatirswami
>>> www.himalayanacademy.com
>>> Get Hinduism Today Digital Edition. It's Free!
>>> http://www.hinduismtoday.com/digital/
>>> The Editor wrote:
>>>> That is something to do with how PmWiki processes things. Here's how
>>>> I set your form up on my machine to get it to look a little better.
>>>> (Or conceivably your skin. It doesn't do it on mine).
>>>> (:zapdata:)
>>>> (:zapform `Project`Owner`Priority`Status`Description`savedata`datapage` :)
>>>> (:table:)
>>>> (:cellnr:)Project:
>>>> (:cell:)(:select Project:)
>>>> (:option "LandManagement":) Land Management
>>>> (:option "SystemAdmin":) System Admin
>>>> (:option "AjaxInitiative":) Ajax Initiatives
>>>> (:option "AudioLibrary":) Audio Library
>>>> (:option "MailingLists":) Mailing Lists
>>>> (:selectend:)
>>>> (:cellnr:)Owner:
>>>> (:cell:)(:select Owner:)
>>>> (:option "Sivakatirswami":) Sivakatirswami
>>>> (:option "Sadhunathan":) Sadhunathan
>>>> (:option "Andre":) Andre
>>>> (:option Caveman":) Caveman
>>>> (:selectend:)
>>>> (:cellnr:)Priority:
>>>> (:cell:)(:select Priority:)
>>>> (:option "1-Urgent!":) Urgent!
>>>> (:option "2-High":) High
>>>> (:option "3-Medium":) Medium
>>>> (:option "4-Low":) Low
>>>> (:selectend:)
>>>> (:cellnr:)Status:
>>>> (:cell:)(:select Status:)
>>>> (:option "Open":) Open
>>>> (:option "In Progress":) In Progress
>>>> (:option "Pending":) Pending
>>>> (:option "Hold":) Hold
>>>> (:option "Complete":) Complete
>>>> (:selectend:)
>>>> (:cellnr:)Description:
>>>> (:cell:)(:input text Description "{$Description}" size="50":)
>>>> (:tableend:)
>>>> (:input hidden savedata "Project,Owner,Priority,Status,Description":)
>>>> (:input submit value="Submit":)
>>>> (:input hidden datapage "TODO-{Project}.=" :)
>>>> (:zapend:)
>>>> You will notice I put it in tables (table directives) and I eliminated
>>>> the first option from each select box--which just produced a blank
>>>> line in the output. You will want to put those back in when you get
>>>> the update forms working...
>>>> Oh, I just fixed the ZAPdata bug. I uploaded it quietly for you to
>>>> PmWiki, as I'm making other changes to accommodate some other users
>>>> and make some minor improvements (shouldn't affect functionality). If
>>>> you get this email before I release the fuller version, you can start
>>>> playing with the interrim version. The threading at least is fixed.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Caveman
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