[pmwiki-users] When will skins used at pmwiki.org be updated?

Paul Wiegmans p.wiegmans at inter.nl.net
Sat Jan 8 14:15:19 CST 2011

Dear Patrick,

I am happy and surprised to see that the skins section of pmwiki.org 
shows the pages while it uses the skin as the current skin. I uploaded 
this skin that I designed "YAMLForth" and since a while when I visit the 
project page i get to see the site using this skin.

Now it is a while when I uploaded the skin that Pmwiki.org currently is 
showing , and a few months ago I've uploaded a few updates of YAMLForth 
skin, but currently the site appears to use the old skins still. When 
will pmwiki.org use the new skin I uploaded? I am eager to see 
pmwiki.org use my newer skins, because there are some important bug 
fixes such as the one that fixes broken layout on IE and it's appearance 
is quite different from the first versions.

with regards
Paul Wiegmans

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