[pmwiki-users] PmForms for populating a PmWiki page with an archive of papers

Hans design5 at softflow.co.uk
Fri Jul 3 11:45:56 CDT 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009, 5:23:54 PM, Randy Brown wrote:

> In a structured wiki, where PTV data (aka the "model") is separate
> from the presentation (aka "view"), you hide the contents of the
> page. In the case of category pages, there doesn't even have to be
> an actual page. Since Fox's preview only shows the contents of the
> page, not the group header, the page appears empty - thus an inaccurate preview.

Fox's preview will show you what you specify on the template page
specified by
or by markup
(:foxpreviewtemplate "......":)
or if there is no preview template fox will use the template for
Since you want to add/update PTVs you don't use a template, so you
need a previewtemplate.
You can include the content of a GroupHeader page on the preview
template page specified with the previewtemplate= parameter.
Just use (:include {*$Group.GroupHeader}:) on the preview template
page. Fox requires you to be specific to what you want to be
previewed, for instance you may want to see one or more out of a
number of PTVs.
PmWiki's edit preview is simpler as it only deals with the one
textarea input field, whereas Fox could have many.


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