[pmwiki-users] DataQuery and DataPlates

Philippe KRAIT philippe.krait at thalesgroup.com
Fri Nov 16 03:44:51 CST 2007

Ben Stallings a écrit :
> This is a known bug that I haven't had the chance to track down, but I 
> can at least document it.  The workaround is that you have to activate 
> the query -- that is, check its box on the DataQuery.DataQuery page 
> and submit the form on that page.  When you click the Configure link 
> again you will be able to see the rest of the form.  All inactive 
> queries are subject to this bug; if you uncheck the box for an 
> existing query its form will disappear as well.
OK. It's working that way...
>> The second one is that I would like to include the results of my 
>> queries in other pages. i have tried the following:
>> (:include Orders.HomePage:)
>> But it does not produce any result. Nothing appears on the output. 
>> However, when I go to the page itself, it seems properly intercepted, 
>> and it displays the content of the table.
> Assuming that DataQuery is included site-wide and not just the Orders 
> group, I would guess that the pagelist template on Orders.HomePage is 
> being specified implicitly, that is, as #DQlist instead of 
> Orders.Templates#DQlist.  Make that change and it should show up. 
> Believe it or not, this is a feature, not a bug.  :-)
Hum, I am not sure how to do this, because are these templates not 
supposed to be automatically generated ? In any case, the 
Orders.Homepage page does not really exist, it's only supposed to be a 
view on the Orders query...


Also, I asked another question, probably more for Patrick to answer, and 
I'd really like to get the answer to this one to solve  the major problem:

So I started to toy with one possibility that seems mentioned in the 
local.php file, namely the possibility to disable the WikiWord 
processing for only some words, namely those of the classes above.

##  If you want to disable WikiWords matching a pattern, you can use
##  something like the following.  Note that the first argument has to
##  be different for each call to Markup().  The example below disables
##  WikiWord links like COM1, COM2, COM1234, etc.
# Markup('COM\d+', '<wikilink', '/\\bCOM\\d+/', "Keep('$0')");

I have tried things like:
Markup('DQedit', '<wikilink', '/DQedit/', "Keep('$0')");

Or like:
$WikiWordCount['DQedit'] = -1;
$WikiWordCount['DQlist'] = -1;
$WikiWordCount['DQview'] = -1;

But it does not work. Any suggestions about this  (I'm using the latest release pmwiki-2.2.0-beta64)?


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