[pmwiki-users] Directives to PTVs (was 2.2.0: add Site.SiteHeader...)
s-i-m-o-n at paradise.net.nz
Sat Jun 23 21:29:07 CDT 2007
I'd support (in 2.3?) the wider use of Page Text Variables (PTVs)
and the deprecation of directives and markup such as
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> If I had much of PmWiki to do over again (i.e., didn't have
> to worry about breaking existing sites and recipes), then
> many of the current directives would indeed become page text
> variables... but I'm not sure we're ready for that sort of
> migration, unless we somehow declare that the existing
> (:nogroupheader:) directive is itself a page text variable
> of some sort. Even then I fear that having several
> extremely-similar-but-slightly-different ways of achieving
> mostly-similar-but-slightly-different results will just end
> up confusing everyone.
> Pm
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