[pmwiki-users] Placing an image with a link on a wiki page

Sergio Lopes knitter.is at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 14:44:27 CST 2007

I'm setting up a project page at the BerliOS web hosting and I'm
having some problems placing their logo in the project's pages.

The logo, if placed in a normal HTML page would be placed using the
following code:
<a href="http://developer.berlios.de" title="BerliOS Developer">
   <img src="http://developer.berlios.de/bslogo.php?group_id=9023"
width="124px" height="32px" border="0" alt="BerliOS Developer Logo">

I tried placing the source link in a page but instead of an image,
PmWiki will only show the link. BerliOS also needs the image to have a
link with the project's id so that they can collect statistics for the
project and that is also something I'm getting trouble to set up.

Is there any way I can accomplish this request?

Best regards,

Sergio Lopes

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