[pmwiki-users] notsosimpleskin resize

dso dso at moosoft.com
Fri Dec 29 10:19:48 CST 2006

Thank you!

This page looks a lot like notsosimpleskin but with a resizable width.
I would love to be able to do something like that:

How did you make it tableless?  Have you considered releasing your own
skin, or have you already?  Thanks :)


marc wrote:
> dso said...
>> I would like to get direction on how to transform notsosimpleskin from a
>> fixed width skin to something that resizes to the browser window.  Is
>> this possible?  Thanks!
> Not so simply.
> The top and bottom images and the page background are images that span 
> the width of the page. So, you would need to find a way to solve that 
> problem. Part of the skin's attraction is the left and right shadows 
> that these images provide, so unless you are prepared to jettison these, 
> you've some work to do.
> The first step, imo, is to make the skin table-less. I did this a while 
> ago, and it simplifies the skin quite a bit. I also made it so that the 
> min height is 100%. Oh, I forgot, there an initial install using this 
> skin here:
>   http://www.auxbuss.com/pmwiki/
> ... if that's of any use for a starter.

MooSoft Development Inc

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