[pmwiki-users] names - files, groups, pages

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Sun Mar 13 21:23:09 CST 2005

On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 11:53:55AM -0500, Neil Herber wrote:
> However, when somebody edits a page and saves it, W quite cheerfully 
> renames the saved file to correspond to the "current" case. This then leads 
> to very confusing entries in Main.RecentChanges where it looks like there 
> are three pages called sidebar with variations in capitalization. My 
> understanding is that if I was running this under the crunchy goodness (TM) 
> of Unix, there really would be three separate files, which is perhaps even 
> more confusing to the average author.
> Is there a good solution to this? For my money, having PmWiki force 
> filenames to all lower case would work. Can I add this as a local config 
> item?

Unfortunately, it's more than just forcing filenames to all lower case,
as PmWiki also uses the filenames to determine the original case of the
page names -- e.g., for (:pagelist:) and friends.

However, it would be very possible for me to get Main.RecentChanges
to correctly do replacements case-insensitively, which solves the
problem described above.


> Is there any way to prevent new groups from being formed? One of the wikis 
> I run is used to track projects, where each project is in its own group. 
> Adding groups by accident (spelling error) confuses matters.

Assuming you don't to allow people to add new groups at all, you can
do this quite simply:

   $GroupPattern = 'Main|PmWiki|Private|Project|Other';

limits the available groups to Main, PmWiki, Private, Project, and Other.

There's a V1 cookbook recipe for this 
(http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook-V1/LimitWikiGroups), but I haven't
had a chance to write a page with the equivalent V2 recipe yet.


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