[pmwiki-users] names - files, groups, pages

Neil Herber nospam at mail.eton.ca
Wed Mar 9 10:53:55 CST 2005

There was some discussion about this a while ago, but I can't remember the 

I am running PmWiki on a Windoze server. Windoze preserves the case of 
filenames, but does not distinguish between upper and lower case. So as far 
as W is concerned, Main.SideBar, Main.Sidebar, and Main.sidebar are all the 
same file.

However, when somebody edits a page and saves it, W quite cheerfully 
renames the saved file to correspond to the "current" case. This then leads 
to very confusing entries in Main.RecentChanges where it looks like there 
are three pages called sidebar with variations in capitalization. My 
understanding is that if I was running this under the crunchy goodness (TM) 
of Unix, there really would be three separate files, which is perhaps even 
more confusing to the average author.

Is there a good solution to this? For my money, having PmWiki force 
filenames to all lower case would work. Can I add this as a local config item?

==== new topic, vaguely related:

Is there any way to prevent new groups from being formed? One of the wikis 
I run is used to track projects, where each project is in its own group. 
Adding groups by accident (spelling error) confuses matters.


Neil Herber
Corporate info at http://www.eton.ca/
Eton Systems, 15 Pinepoint Drive, Nepean, ON, Canada K2H 6B1
Tel: (613) 829-4668 

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