[Pmwiki-users] adding page templates

Knut Alboldt mailing
Fri Oct 22 16:25:11 CDT 2004

tried to implement page edit templates (different according to group / 
pagenames). Thought to get the infos from PITs-implementation.
First I check the new pagename with a matchcode for an corresponding template.
If found then I read in the templatepage, change some strings by variable 
contents and change action to "edit".
The new page is presented in editmode with the text from the template page.

but: when I save, I save only the original template text, not the edited. 
All author input is lost.

any ideas, why (please help) ?


PS: the script snipplet:

# ok, can be done better with an keyed array and a preg_match ...

   if (preg_match('/^PITS\.\d/',$pagename))
     { $PageTemplate = 'PITS.Template'; }
   elseif (preg_match('/^Configurationmanagement\.HWPC.*/',$pagename))
     { $PageTemplate = 'Configurationmanagement.TemplateHWPC'; }
   elseif (preg_match('/^Configurationmanagement\.HWDrucker.*/',$pagename))
     { $PageTemplate = 'Configurationmanagement.TemplateHWDrucker'; }


# actually the following part is in an included script


if ($action=='edit')
   if (!PageExists($pagename)) { ReadTemplatePage($PageTemplate); }

function ReadTemplatePage($templatepage)
   global $Now, $Author;

   if ($templatepage === "") { return; }

   if (PageExists($templatepage))
     $page = ReadPage($templatepage); # read the template page

     $changes = array('/NOW\(\)/'    => strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M',$Now),
                      '/JETZT\(\)/'  => strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M',$Now),
                      '/AUTOR\(\)/'  => $Author,
                      '/AUTHOR\(\)/' => $Author);
     $_POST['text'] = 

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