[Pmwiki-users] Few questions.

Fred B. fredb7
Thu Oct 7 17:31:20 CDT 2004

1) Looks like I have to find an i18n adept then ;)
To be clear, I want to have the ability to use accents in WikiLinks 
while leaving the wiki in english.

2)Yes, [:include PageName#star#end:] was working.

[:include PageName lines=1..10:] works fine.
Thanks a lot. Might be a good idea to change the doc.

3)Changing $MaxIncludes did the trick.
Including this in the doc might be useful too...

I don't know if I should put this on the directive page myself or leave 
it to someone more experimented...

Again, thanks a lot for your answer.


On 07-oct.-04, at 16:28, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 05:03:51AM +0200, Fred B. wrote:
>> So, now, I'm using PmWiki 2.0Devel11 on Mac OS X Server 10.3.5,
>> 1)
>> I can't use accented letters in WikiLinks
> [ problem description elided ]
>> So, what am I missing?
> No idea.  I don't do i18n :)
>> 2)
>> [:include PageName#1#10:] is not working. It's not working on
>> PmWiki2-Devel site neither
>> http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki2/pmwiki.php/PmWiki/Directives
> I just looked at the source for pmwiki-2.0devel11 and that syntax
> appears to only work when you have anchors in the included page.
> (i.e. [:include PageName#foo#bar:]  would include all of the text on
> the PageName page from the [[#foo]] anchor to the [[#bar]] anchor)
> However, it looks like [:include PageName lines=1..10:] will do what
> you want.  See the top of
> http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki2/pmwiki.php/Main/WikiSandbox where I use
> [:include RecentChanges lines=1..10:]
>> ----
>> 3)
>> It tooks me time to figure this one out, as it involved 2 pretty
>> complex advanced tables with [:include Page:]'s, but I finally reduce
>> it to something really simple to explain (thanks god ;).
>> When using more than 8 [:include SomePage:] on a page, "include
>> Main.GroupFooter" appears at the bottom of the page.
>> And starting at 9 [:include SomePage:] , they are not resolved anymore
>> and "include SomePage" appears instead + "include Main.GroupHeader"
>> appears at the top.
>> I tried it on PmWiki2-Devel site and it's the same, except the 
>> problems
>> started after 9 and 10 [:include SomePage:] (?)
>> Is this a known limitation?
> Yep. The $MaxIncludes variable controls how many times you can include 
> a
> page. The default value for $MaxIncludes is 10 and the reason you see
> this behavior after 8 or so is probably because your template has a
> couple of include: in it (like for the SideBar for instance).
> Just set $MaxIncludes to some larger value in your config.php
> -Scott
> -- 
> Jonathan Scott Duff
> duff at pobox.com

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