[Pmwiki-users] wikifarm - configuration shared groups

John Rankin john.rankin
Tue May 25 16:23:41 CDT 2004

On Wednesday, 26 May 2004 5:16 AM, Patrick Ogay <lists at basel-inside.ch> wrote:
>I translated the readme.txt to german.
>Some questions remain:
>* logo of main installation is overwriten  bei pmwiki Logo
>   $PageLogoUrl     = "/images/logo_fr_kl2.jpg";  (without wikifarm this

I have the following statement before loading the wikifarm scripts:

    $PageLogoUrl = "$PubDirUrl/path/to/logo";

and it works for me. I'll test this later on my clean PmWiki

>* other Parms seems to o.k.  exept $WikiLibDirs =

This could be made to work, but needs a bit of investigating. You are
right, it won't work as wikifarm is currently written.

>*  shared groups is not clear to me, it seems that
>(is not shared, doesn't find)
>    Which groups can be shared, from main installation to fields? from
>one field to another?

I edited (but did not save)

and added a reference to PmWiki/TextFormattingRules -- the farm 
correctly interprets this as a reference to PmWiki/TextFormattingRules 
in the main area. By default, the PmWiki and Profiles groups are 
shared. You can share additional groups by listing them on the 
Main/WikiFarm page.

The idea of a shared group is that any references to pages in a 
shared group from anywhere on the farm always resolve to the central 
area. So from any field, PmWiki/PmWiki always takes you to the 
central PmWiki page, rather than to a page in the current field.

In your example above, you are referring to a page called 
PmWiki/WikiHelp in the Palaestinainfo field. If you are in the 
Palaestinainfo field, just edit any page and type PmWiki/WikiHelp, 
then press Preview. You will see that it links to the central area,
whereas a reference to Main/SomePage links to the current field.
The current implementation assumes that Main is not shared, as it
uses Main as the Default Group. If you try to share Main, it will
probably break.

You can refer to a page in another field by adding its field name 
as a prefix. So If I am in the Visionen:/ field and want to refer 
to a page in the Infoladen:/ field, I'd write:

If the page exists, you get a link; if not, you get the ? markup.

>*  may be, I still have a configuration/installation problem, as main
>installation takes data from  /wikilib.d not
>    wikifarm/wikilib.d (as in readme.txt)

I'll check the documentation. The main installation takes data from 
the regular wiki.d and wikilib.d directories. Each field takes its 
data from wikifarm/Field.wiki.d and wikifarm/wikilib.d

>*  per Page Customizing doen't seem to work for a field.

I'll check this. Are you creating a file called 
local/wikifarm/Field.Group.Page.php ?
>Patrick Ogay
Hope this clarifies
John Rankin

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