[Pmwiki-users] Easy Question...Includes

Greg Morgan gregmorgan
Wed Mar 17 19:01:45 CST 2004

Andres Yver wrote:

> On Wednesday, March 17, 2004, at 07:45 PM, 
> Pmwiki-users-request at pmichaud.com wrote:
>>> You might also try making use of the includeurl.php
>>> script that comes with the PmWiki distribution (in the scripts 
>>> directory).
>>> It allows the contents of another (HTML) page on the web to be 
>>> inserted into
>>> the current page.
> ok i tried that and it includes text, no images from the external html 
> document, but is formatted with the wiki skin, not the included site's 
> css or even markup. the links in the external document are are 
> constructed as to point to a (nonexistent) wiki page, but then produce 
> bad argument implode errors on following the link.
> Am i doing something wrong?
> Also how would one combine [*http:path*] with [[http:path linktext]] 
> in the markup?
> thanks,
> andres
All the include html markup does is grab the HTML from the URL you 
provide and spits back out as is... actually it might strip everything 
outside the <BODY> tags.  For images to show up, you'll probably want to 
make sure the links are absolute links and not relative.

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