[Pmwiki-users] problem in linking group logo to group homepage
Hugo Fjelsted Alrøe
Thu Mar 11 04:16:54 CST 2004
I tried putting
<div id='wikilogo'><a href='$ScriptUrl/$Group'><img src='$PageLogoUrl' alt='$WikiTitle > $Group' border='0' /></a>
into the customised mywiki.tmpl that I use on ecowiki.org/test in order to get the customised group logos to link to the group home page instead of the main homepage. But for some reason the script reads $PageLogoUrl but not $PubDirUrl even though $PubDirUrl is set before $PageLogoUrl which is set before $PageTemplateFmt in config.php. So everything works except the logo links to $PubDirUrl/ecowikitest.jpg instead of http://ecowiki.org/testwiki/pub/ecowikitest.jpg, and therefore no logo image is shown.
Any ideas?
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