everyday and everyDay -was- Re: [Pmwiki-users] intuitive learning
Robin Sheat
Tue Mar 2 19:43:50 CST 2004
On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 08:57:37PM -0500, Lloyd Budd wrote:
> Oh! Ah! What your wrote here and below made me realize that we are not
> on the same page. I am coming from one such OS, MacOS X. I just tried
Really? Mac OS X is reasonably UNIX-like, lesse:
[robin at oucs799 rsheat]$ ssh rsheat at dumb
Welcome to Darwin!
[dumb:~] rsheat% touch FooBar
[dumb:~] rsheat% ls foobar
[dumb:~] rsheat% ls FooBar
[dumb:~] rsheat% ls Foobar
[dumb:~] rsheat% ls fksog
ls: fksog: No such file or directory
on Linux:
[robin at oucs799 rsheat]$ touch FooBar
[robin at oucs799 rsheat]$ ls foobar
ls: foobar: No such file or directory
Well damn. They've taken away case sensitivity. Crazy.
> Agreed. I am not suggesting removing the capitals, but that regardless
> of case the 'titles' should be interpretted, and when you arrive at the
> linked page, its title should be as the creator intended.
Hmm, but that would make:
{{together}} and {{to get her}} the same thing, wouldn't it? I doubt it
comes up much, but I'd think it would be really confusing when it did.
My vote is for case insensitivity to be optional, (i.e. I have no desire
for it to be the case (sorry) on my wiki)
Robin <robin at kallisti.net.nz> JabberID: <eythian at jabber.org>
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