[Pmwiki-users] More questions on nested pages
J. Perkins
Mon Jun 21 18:48:11 CDT 2004
Doh, I forgot the attachment. Here it is.
J. Perkins wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> Can you identify more specifically where you need PmWiki to do this?
>> I'm pretty sure that PmWiki allows either '/' or '.' to be treated
>> as page separators in most of its functions.
> After looking at it some more, I am pretty sure that I can override
> everything that I need. Namely, $DefaultPage, $GroupHeaderFmt, etc. I
> think I'm okay on this one.
>>> I am not able to get any form of link to a nested page to work. If I
>>> have
>>> the markup:
> >
>> Umm, I dunno. Can I see some of your code? It's hard to guess where the
>> problems might be without knowing more about how you're hooking into the
>> code.
> I've attached what I have so far. It is more a less the same as what I
> was running in my prototype. If you have any questions about how it
> should work, you can try it out here:
> http://www.sim8.com/wikibox/wiki.php?page=/HomePage
> Jason
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