[Pmwiki-users] Per-page customized sidebars

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud
Mon Aug 30 15:13:31 CDT 2004

On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 10:44:15PM +0200, Alexandre Courbot wrote:
> I've tried to insert the following into my sidebar:
> [[include:[[$Title]]#begininfos#endinfos]] in order to insert a short 
> part of the current page. Unfortunately it doesn't like having 
> [[$Title]] within [[include:]]. Would anyone have another suggestion to 
> achieve this?

At the moment, no, but I'll see if I can come up with something.  
However, something like this can work in PmWiki 2, although the syntax
would be:

  [:include {$PageName} #begininfos#endinfos:]


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