[pmwiki-devel] Request to review code for Group Titles recipe

Dominique Faure dominique.faure at gmail.com
Wed May 21 04:25:51 CDT 2008

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 5:25 AM, Henrik Bechmann
<henrik.bechmann at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Thanks Dominique, interesting material.
> Before getting into the general issues...
> [...Lots of interesting consideration on web architecture with PmWIki...]

I was in fact taking the first example that come to my mind, which is
related to the implementation of the first recipe incarnation I made
into a specific skin, and there I somewhat tend to meet your point of
view on the different layers architecture.

My solution was only a try at getting the best of both recipes, ie.
being able to fetch the group title from any cascading definitions of
strings eventually containing page(text)variable references.

> Secondly, your proposed code reveals a facility with the core services of
> PmWiki which is, quite frankly, still beyond me. In particular, your
> skillful use of the markup engine, while intriguing, makes me a bit
> uncomfortable, as it appears to require a specific context within which the
> markup engine data structures are in the state required to perform the
> functions that you call. Since I view the MakeGroupTitle function as
> something that could be used as a service by other application enhancements,
> this implies that MakeGroupTitle may be called in a context that does not
> satisfy the requirements of your enhancement.

The trick is simply to more or less replicate the core MarkupToHTML
processing in the restricted context of the evaluation of wiki
expressions of variables, such as

BTW, this is what you already did using direct calls to core
primitives, in fact, I just added a generalized search path feature at
the overhead cost of few extra pattern matching :).


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