[pmwiki-devel] Request to review code for Group Titles recipe
Henrik Bechmann
henrik.bechmann at sympatico.ca
Tue May 20 22:25:53 CDT 2008
Thanks Dominique, interesting material.
Before getting into the general issues...
Regarding the main case you present of wanting a special return result
for GroupTitle on the default page of the group itself, I have started
to move that kind of conditional to the wiki page level, thanks to the
maturation and flexibility of PmWiki's markup conditionals.
For example I have a template component
that I call "content header" (like group header, but site wide), which
contains the following code:
================== start =====================
(:if ! name {$DefaultName}:)
%image-inline%Path:{$SkinSharedDirUrl}/page_ti.gif%% You are on the
'''[{*$Title}]''' page of folder '''[{*$GroupTitlespaced}]'''\\
%image-inline%Path:{$SkinSharedDirUrl}/coverpage_ti.gif%% For the cover
page of this folder go to the
[[{*$Group}.{$DefaultPage}|'''[{*$GroupTitlespaced} cover page]''']]
%image-inline%Path:{$SkinSharedDirUrl}/coverpage_ti.gif%% You are on the
cover page of folder '''[{*$GroupTitlespaced}]'''
================== end ======================
(this requires more work, in particular a "display path", or
"bread-crumb trail, but that's another story)
In general, I view PmWiki installations as consisting of several layers:
- the core (pmwiki core installation, particularly the driver script
(pmwiki.php) and the files in the scripts/ subdirectory)
- the configuration level (add-on php files and supporting files such as
skins), or "application" layer
- the administrative layer (configuration options available through the
- the user (author) layer
- (I suppose) the reader layer
I have come to view the core as primarily an engine, and the application
layer as being a combination of extensions and skins, including support
for specific administrative options, that implement author services in a
usable fashion. The application together with the administrative options
(such as the above wiki code) become a "package", which is tailored to a
particular purpose or audience. My current purpose happens to be
community organizations and their members (quite a challenge, but that's
yet another story). I currently have a couple of dozen of these. Small,
and supported by a single PmWiki farm installation.
In this view, the core is the source of general services that can be
used by applications. As such I view services in the core being,
ideally, fairly simple.
From this perspective, I would prefer the kind of over-ride options
that you propose to be included at a higher level in this stack.
For an implementation example, see
Note that the GroupName ("ListOfRinks" as seen in the URL) has been
renamed (with a PTV at
http://cityrinks.ca/wiki/wiki.php?n=Site.GroupTitles) to "City Rinks
Details", which appears in the menu at the left (through [[target|!+]])
and in the content header (using {$GroupTitlespaced}, as well as the
browser title bar).
But the general point is that wiki markup conditionals can (and in my
view of things often should) handle exceptions such as the one that you
Secondly, your proposed code reveals a facility with the core services
of PmWiki which is, quite frankly, still beyond me. In particular, your
skillful use of the markup engine, while intriguing, makes me a bit
uncomfortable, as it appears to require a specific context within which
the markup engine data structures are in the state required to perform
the functions that you call. Since I view the MakeGroupTitle function as
something that could be used as a service by other application
enhancements, this implies that MakeGroupTitle may be called in a
context that does not satisfy the requirements of your enhancement.
Finally, in my context, believe me it will be all I can do to get people
to understand and accept the idea of the Site.GroupTitles over-rides of
the default file-level group names (itself a difficult thing to explain
to my audience), never mind getting them to understand complex search
strategies, defaults, and over-rides for Group Titles. So in my context,
I don't think your enhancement would be used.
Nonetheless, the suggestion of an over-ride is obviously one that could
be used in other contexts (though I would quibble with the redundancy of
{$Group}.GroupAttributes$Title}). Getting back to the idea of "packages"
of components, including enhancements to support the concepts of those
packages, I think it is entirely appropriate to have various versions of
the same utility, so long as they are cross-referenced and the
differences documented. For example Hans has the ShowHide utility, which
is quite sophisticated and flexible, and no doubt useful for many
applications, while I have the simpler ToggleHide utility, as it matches
more closely the needs of my application.
So I hope that you will feel free, if you wish, to (for example) update
the GroupTitle utility that you and Pm developed some time ago, perhaps
with a combination of the exploitation of PTV's that I propose, and your
Thanks so much for your detailed and informative feedback.
- Henrik
Dominique Faure wrote:
> On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Dominique Faure
> <dominique.faure at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Henrik Bechmann
>> <henrik.bechmann at sympatico.ca> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Peter Bowers made some helpful observations and suggestions, which
>>> prompted me to make some changes resulting, I think, in safer, slightly
>>> faster, and more general code for this. The updated Beta 2 is at...
>>>>>> The code is at http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki/uploads/Cookbook/grouptitles.php
>>> Any other comments are most welcome.
>>> Best,
>> IMHO, one of the best feature of the original Pm's GroupTitle recipe
>> was to consider a search path when looking for titles, providing a
>> convenient way to 'override' the group title on specific pages:
>> For example, if the [[GroupName.{$DefaultName}|!+]] link is a simple
>> way to come back to the group home page, it isn't very useful on the
>> GroupName.{$DefaultName} page itself. The search feature should allow
>> to (re)define it there (to an empty string in this case).
>> The following code would be able to handle the path search, but I
>> haven't been able to find a "simple" way to allow fetching of empty
>> string definitions.
>> function MakeGroupTitle($pn, $group = '') {
>> global $GroupTitlesPathFmt, $pagename;
>> if (!$group) {
>> $page = MakePageName($pagename, $pn);
>> if (preg_match('/^(.+)[.\\/]([^.\\/]+)$/', $page, $match))
>> @list(/*$d*/, $group, $name) = $match;
>> if (!$group) return $pn;
>> }
>> SDV($GroupTitlesPathFmt, array(
>> '{{$FullName}$:GroupTitle}',
>> '{{$Group}.GroupAttributes$Title}',
>> '{{$SiteGroup}.GroupTitles$:{$Group}}',
>> ));
>> global $RedoMarkupLine, $MarkupTable;
>> foreach($GroupTitlesPathFmt as $v) {
>> $rdm = $RedoMarkupLine;
>> while(true) {
>> $RedoMarkupLine = 0;
>> $v = preg_replace($MarkupTable['{$var}']['pat'],
>> $MarkupTable['{$var}']['rep'], $v);
>> if(!$RedoMarkupLine) break;
>> }
>> $RedoMarkupLine = $rdm;
>> if($v) return $v;
>> }
>> return $group;
>> }
>> --
>> Dominique
> BTW, replacing the last test:
> if($v) return $v;
> with:
> if($v) return preg_replace('/\\[(==|@@)\\]/', '', $v);
> you would be able to specify empty group titles using empty blocks
> ([==] or [@@]).
Henrik Bechmann
Webmaster, celos.ca webhosting services
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