[pmwiki-users] Ape Video embedding

Martin Cuno martin.cuno at posteo.de
Tue Jun 4 03:54:20 PDT 2024

Hi all,

I use Ape (https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Ape) and have a list of 10 local videos on one page, with




Problem: when the page is opened, the browser apparently "collects" the videos (the previews). The previews appear within a few seconds. But not all of them! Usually there are a few left at the bottom of the list that are not "caught" - then the error message "No video found" appears. (It always varies slightly which ones are not found.)

What can I do? Is there a timeout variable that I can set higher?

pmwiki-2.3.25, php v5.6 (Sorry, I can't change that quickly)



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