[pmwiki-users] Move sidebar menu to the header, basically

kirpi at kirpi.it kirpi at kirpi.it
Fri Apr 5 16:10:42 PDT 2024

> Maybe we can add a new 1-column core skin that looks like this. The
> top-bar navigation links could open group sitemap pages, and a search
> page.

I would perhaps not develop a brand new core skin; instead, if
technically possible, I would just provide a way to rearrange
PmWiki-responsive with some basic setting (say in config.php enabling
something, or some Site page, maybe). This way there is no another
default skin to take care of.
There should be no need to re-invent much, hopefully.

For the menu, I would avoid creating something new: I would keep the
Sidebar (moved on the fly in some way, perhaps just one line of JS or
other magic that you know better than me), so that:
 - different Groups can have their own Group.Sidebar, as always, and
all works as expected.
 - if there is need, with the right CSS (a basic version of which can
be included in the setting) it will be very easy to have links,
sub-links, sub-sub-links with no effort. This is important because
horizontal navigation can allow for few links only, and all the others
should be hidden and shown at request.

Again, I wonder why Sidebar navigation links today are not a simple
unordered list.
In other words, why %sidehead% links are used *outside* of a list?;
maybe for historical reasons.
I dare to believe that a simple, nested list would be better, today.
This way it would be very easy to manipulate with only CSS.
This is true for a standard (vertical) SideBar, as well as a SideBar
used as a horizontal top-bar navigation[1].

Small(ish) screens have so little space that probably there is no need
to elaborate anything beyond the default PmWiki-responsive skin, which
is already very well working.


[1] An example: https://codepen.io/felipperegazio/pen/BeYBBM

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