[pmwiki-users] formatting title markup directive
John Rankin
john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Mon Sep 14 14:26:47 CDT 2015
> How can I apply inline styling for the (:title ...:) directive?
> In particular I would like to be able to use inline markup
> '^text^' (HTML sup) and '_text_' (HTML sub)
> I can use it after ! header markup, but not within the title markup.
> Is it possible? Any hacks for it?
> thanks
> Hans
You could try the following in local/config.php:
$tmpwhen = IsEnabled($EnablePageTitlePriority, 0) ? '<include' : '>inline';
$tmpkeep = IsEnabled($EnablePageTitlePriority, 0) ? '1' : 'NULL';
Markup_e('title', $tmpwhen,
\$zz=array('title' => SetProperty(\$pagename, 'title', PSS(\$m[1]),
NULL, $tmpkeep))))");
unset($tmpwhen, $tmpkeep);
This should evaluate the title directive after the inline markup rules.
Good luck!
John Rankin
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