[pmwiki-users] widi.d file = 0 byte
marc-alexis morelle
marc.alexis.m at gmail.com
Sat Nov 2 20:37:23 CDT 2013
Le 02/11/2013 13:50, Petko Yotov a écrit :
> Does PmWiki show some warning message? Something like "Cannot write page
> to $pagename ($pagefile)...changes not saved"
I think pmwiki does not says nothing. This error did not happened to me
but to users, so i'm not shure.
> Does it happen to some or to all edited pages?
Not all pages, just sometimes. One was a homepage of a group (a big old
page with many history : 4,5Mo). 2 or 3 others on forum (with Fox cookbook).
> Do you have enough disk
FTP says i have !
Ther was only 4 or 5 case, so i can't say if there is a common point...
If there is not a very known problem with writing a file overwriting his
content, in php, i think i just have to take care (backups :-)
> When did it start? Were there some changes to the system, server or
> configuration just before?
Two or three weeks ago ? Difficult to know, with Online.net, if they
change something !
> Nothing changed in how PmWiki saves a disk file so I suppose that the
> problem is elsewhere and will not be fixed if you upgrade.
Ok; Good to know that.
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