[pmwiki-users] Sudden strange behavior in pagelist
Eric Forgeot
eforgeot at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 02:39:22 CST 2012
if you have too many pages maybe you've reached a limit recently. I
can't really answer on this matter but you can check this page for
increasing the memory for the server :
You should upgrate your pwmiki installation nevertheless, because
version 2.2.35 fixes a critical PHP injection vulnerability.
2012/1/26 Boblitz John <John.Boblitz at bertschi.com>:
> Good Morning,
> about a week ago, a User of mine noticed that pagelist was omitting entries.
> I checked and verified that the missing documents in question fulfilled the criteria, and can not
> explain why they are not included in the list.
> here is the command:
> '+**(:pagelist group=BWAPP name=BWAPP.ProgrammerMeeting* list=normal fmt=title order=-ctime count=10:)**+'
> It should list the last 10 Meeting Minutes in reverse chronological order - which it did just fine until about a week ago.
> Yesterday, we noticed a second instance in a seperate list:
> (:pagelist group=BWG11 list=normal fmt=title :)
> Again, I checked that the missing documents met the criteria and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the inclusion / exclusion.
> I am currently running 2.2.21 on Debian Squeeze, php 5.3.3-7.
> Any idea what may be causing this / how to fix? Please note - it was working fine until about a week ago and pmWiki has not been updated in months. I security patch the server regularly, so maybe a recent in responsible.
> Upgrading pmWiki is an option, but I'd like to know if this is a known problem ...
> John
> ----
> Who is General Failure, and why is he reading my hard disk?
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