[pmwiki-users] PhpWiki to PmWiki migration

Rogutės Sparnuotos rogutes at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 16 08:54:19 CST 2010

Bernard Bel (2010-01-16 11:25):
> I almost completed a powerful PhpWiki to PmWki converter with many options for renaming pages and reorginizing the site. Notably it replaces redirection plugin pages with AutoLinks and creates group headers, footers and sidebars as instructed.
> For a short while you can see the old and new versions of a 500-page site that is converted by a single PHP procedure call.
> Here is the old one :
>  http://wiki.naissance.asso.fr/index.php/PageAccueil
> and the new one :
>  http://crdo.fr/cianewiki/CianeWiki/PageAccueil
> I still need to convert 2 out of the 3 table formats. :-/
> Once completed I suggest to publish the code on PmWiki.org.

I have also created a PhpWiki to PmWiki converter in Spring 2009. I don't
think that it was powerful, but it worked pretty well for my specific case
(the wiki I converted had 900 pages). I was too lazy to publish it then.

My script managed to convert OldStyle and DefinitionStyle tables, but
I believe that the conversion had some quirks. I have commented and
attached the script (hope it goes through), in case you are interested.

I haven't seen many requests for such a script in the community, but
PhpWiki has been mentioned a few times. I guess a cookbook recipe able to
convert most of PhpWiki's markup would be a very good addition and deem
useful for a few newcomers, searching through pmwiki.org for this
specific use case.

--  Rogutės Sparnuotos
-------------- next part --------------
<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();

# This is a PhpWiki to PmWiki converter.
# It was created to convert a 900-page wiki.
# The conversion was successful, but the wiki didn't use much features (and the 
# markup used was rather consistent).
# Requirements: UTF-8 and the iconv PHP extension
# To use this script,
# 1. Put your exported PhpWiki files in a "phpwiki.in" directory and create 
#    a writable "phpwiki.out" directory for the resulting PmWiki pages.
# 2. Change the defaults of variables defined below (if needed). E.g., before 
#    including this script in "config.php", define the default group for converted 
#    pages and specifiy an additional markup conversion:
#    $OutGroup = 'Main';
#    $PWC_MarkupConversions=array('/wolf/'=>'lupus');
# 3. Include this script in "config.php" and execute your wiki with "?action=phpwikic":
#    include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/phpwikiconv.php");
# Notes:
# 1. Files in $OutWikiDir will be overwritten!
# 2. WikiWords will be disabled.
# 3. No PhpWiki plugins are converted (extend the $PWC_MarkupConversions array 
#    to convert them).
# 4. Only Old Style and Definition Style tables are supported.
# 5. Definition style table conversion might be quirky. Moreover, tables within 
#    tables and spanning is not supported for these.
# 6. There are 3 arrays that control the behaviour of markup conversion:
#    * main conversion happens for markup specified in $PWC_MarkupConversions,
#    * $PWC_MarkupConversionsPre might be used for things requiring a 2 step conversion,
#    * $PWC_MarkupConversionsPost might be used to change the resulting markup 
#      (MarkupRestore() is called before doing these)
# 7. One can create a $PWC_MarkupTestString variable and put some PhpWiki markup in
#    it, and run PmWiki with ?action=phpwikit to test markup conversion.



# If the PmWiki function MatchPageNames will match the page patterns given by 
# SkipPageFilenames, the conversion function will skip them.

# Converted pages will be put to this group
# (except the exceptions defined in $PWC_PageNameConversions)

# A facility to rename pages, or put them to a different group than the 
# $OutGroup
SDVA($PWC_PageNameConversions, array(
  # example: '/^(John|Judas)$/' => 'Profiles.$1'

SDV($PHPWikiWikiWordPattern, '(?<![[:alnum:]])(?:[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+){2,}(?![[:alnum:]])');

SDV($PWC_MarkupConversionsPre, array());
SDVA($PWC_MarkupConversions, array(
  ## Anchors:
  ## #[foo]: An anchor around the text "foo" with id "foo"
  '/(?>#\[([A-Za-z][-\w:.]*)\])/e' => "Keep('$1[[#$1]]')"
  ## #[|foo]: An empty anchor with id "foo"
  ## #[howdy|foo]: An anchor around the text "howdy" with id "foo"
  ,'/(?>#\[([^\|\]]*)\|([A-Za-z][-\w:.]+)\])/e' => "Keep('$1'=='' ? '[[#$2]]' : '$1[[#$2]]')"
  ## image links [http://site.com/xxx.jpg|bla bla]
  ,"#t?\[\ *((?:https?|ftp)://(?:[^\s$UrlExcludeChars]*))\.(jpg|png|gif)\ *(?:\\n\|{1,2} | \|{1,2}\\n | \| |) ([^\[\]|\\n]*) \]#xie" => "pwc_convertImageLinks('$1', '$2', '$3')"
  ## apply styling to link text before Keep()
  #,'!\[\ *_([^\|\]\n_]+)_!' => "[''$1''" # emphasis, pmwiki
  ,'!\[\ *_([^\|\]\n_]+)_!' => "[//$1//" # emphasis, creole
  ##,'!\[\ *\*([^\|\]\n*]+)\*!' => "['''$1'''" # strong, pmwiki
  ,'!\[\ *\*([^\|\]\n*]+)\*!' => "[**$1**" # strong, creole
  ## links [bla bla | local/url link]
  ,'!\[ ([^\|\]\n]+) \| \s* ([^\[\]]+) \]!xe' => "Keep('[[$2 | $1]]')"
  ## [free links]
  ,'!(?>\[\s*(.+?)\ *\])!e' => "Keep('[[$1]]')"
  ## bare links
  ,"#\b(?:https?|ftp)://[^\s$UrlExcludeChars]*[^\s.,?!$UrlExcludeChars]#e" => "Keep('$0')"
  ## old style tables
  ,'!<\?plugin OldStyleTable\s*(.+?)\?>!se' => "pwc_OldStyleTableConvert('$1', \$pagename)"
  ## get rid of WikiWords
  #,"/(~*)($PHPWikiWikiWordPattern)/e" => "('$1'==''||strlen('$1')%2==0) ? Keep('[[$2]]') : '$2'"
  ,"/(~*)($PHPWikiWikiWordPattern)/e" => "('$1'==''||strlen('$1')%2==0) ? '[['.AsSpaced('$2').']]' : '$2'"
  ## get rid of WikiWord escaping ~
  ,'/~~/' => '~' 
  ## bold
  ,'!\*(.*?)\*!' => "'''$1'''" # pmwiki
  ,'!<b>(.*?)</b>!' => "'''$1'''" # pmwiki
  #,'!\*(.*?)\*!' => "**$1**" # creole
  #,'!<b>(.*?)</b>!' => "**$1**" # creole
  ## italics
  ,'!_(.*?)_!' => "''$1''" # pmwiki
  ,'!<i>(.*?)</i>!' => "''$1''" # pmwiki
  #,'!_(.*?)_!' => "//$1//" # creole
  #,'!<i>(.*?)</i>!' => "//$1//" # creole
  ## bold italics
  ,'!(?:_\*|\*_)(.+?)(?:_\*|\*_)!' => "'''''$1'''''" # pmwiki
  #,'!(?:_\*|\*_)(.+?)(?:_\*|\*_)!' => "//**$1**//" # creole
  ## fixed width
  ,'!=(.+?)=!' => '@@\1@@'
  ## headings
  ,'/^(!{1,3})\s?(.*)$/me' => "'$1'=='!' ? '!!! $2' : ('$1'=='!!' ? '!!! $2' : '!! $2' )"
  ## line breaks
  ,'/(?<!%)%%%(?!%)|<br>/' => "\\\\\\\\\n"
  ## Definition list style tables
  ,'/(^[^|\n]*\| *(?:\n(?: *\n)*(?:  *[^|\n ][^|\n]*\|?|[^|\n]*\|) *)+)/me' => "pwc_DefStyleTableConvert('$1', \$pagename)"

SDV($PWC_MarkupConversionsPost, array());


if (!is_dir($OutWikiDir) || !is_writable($OutWikiDir)) {
  echo "OutWikiDir ($OutWikiDir) must be a writable directory!";

array_unshift($WikiLibDirs, new PageStore($OutWikiDir.'/{$FullName}', 1));

$PWC_MarkupConversions = array_diff_key($PWC_MarkupConversions,$PWC_MarkupConversionsPre,$PWC_MarkupConversionsPost);

function HandlePHPWikiMigrate($pagename) {
  global $FarmD
    , $InWikiDir, $OutWikiDir
    , $InEncoding, $OutEncoding
    , $OutGroup
    , $PWC_MarkupConversionsPre, $PWC_MarkupConversions, $PWC_MarkupConversionsPost
    , $PWC_PageNameConversions
    , $SkipPageFilenames;

  header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); 
  iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', 'utf-8');

  $infiles = glob("$InWikiDir/*");

  if (empty($infiles)) {
    echo "No files found for $InWikiDir/*\n";

  foreach ($infiles as $k=>$f) {
    $infiles[basename($f)] = $f;
  $skippages = MatchPageNames(array_keys($infiles), $SkipPageFilenames); 
  $converted = 0;
  $skipped = 0;
  foreach ($infiles as $pagefile=>$pagepath) {
    if (in_array($pagefile, $skippages)) {
      pwc_show("match with SkipPageFilenames...", 'skip', $pagefile);
    pwc_show('Processing file <span style="color: blue;">'.$pagepath."</span>...");

    if (!$inpagestr=file_get_contents($pagepath)) {
      pwc_show("couldn't read it!", 'error', $pagepath); continue;
    $inpagestr=iconv($InEncoding, $OutEncoding, $inpagestr);
    $inpagestr=str_replace("\r", '', $inpagestr);

    $sep=strpos($inpagestr, "\n\n");
    $pageattr=substr($inpagestr, 0, $sep);
    $pagetext=substr($inpagestr, $sep+2);
    if (empty($pageattr) || empty($pagetext)) {
      pwc_show("couldn't separate headers from text!", 'error', $pagefile); continue;
    if (substr($pageattr, -33)!="Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary") {
      pwc_show("page attributes ended with an unexpected string", 'error', $pagefile); continue;

    if (isset($mime['Content-Type'])) {
      $mime=iconv($InEncoding, $OutEncoding, urldecode($mime));
      $mime=explode(';', $mime);

      $page = array();
      foreach ($mime as $m) {
        if (!$m=explode('=', trim($m), 2)) continue;
        if (count($m)!=2) continue;
        list ($k, $v) = $m;
        switch ($k) {
        case 'pagename':
          # PmWiki wants pagenames to start with lowercase letters and have no spaces nor slashes...
          $pn = $pn0 = urldecode($v);
          if (!empty($PWC_PageNameConversions)) {
            $pn = preg_replace(array_keys($PWC_PageNameConversions), array_values($PWC_PageNameConversions), $pn, -1, $rcount);
            if ($rcount > 0) pwc_show("$pn0 has been renamed to $pn", 'rename', $pagefile);
            $pn = "$OutGroup.$pn";

          $pagename=MakePageName("$OutGroup.$OutGroup", $pn);
          if (empty($pagename)) pwc_show("couldn't convert pagename $pn", 'error', $pagefile);
          else pwc_show("\tpagename: $pagename");
        case 'flags':
          if ($v!='""' && $v!='PAGE_LOCKED')
            pwc_show("unknown flags found: $v ", 'error', $pagefile);
        case 'author':
          if (trim($v)=='The PhpWiki programming team') {
            pwc_show("author string indicates this an untouched sys page...", 'skip', $pagefile); continue 3;
          $page['author']=$v; pwc_show("\tauthor: $v ");
        case 'version': $page['rev']=$v; break;
        case 'lastmodified': $page['time']=$v; break;
        case 'created': $page['ctime']=$v; break;
        case 'author_id':
          if (long2ip(ip2long($v)==$v)) $page['host']=$v;
          elseif ($page['author']!=$v) pwc_show("author_id!=author ($v!=$page[author])", 'error', $pagefile);
        case 'markup': if ($v!=2) pwc_show("markup!=2", 'error', $pagefile); break;
        case 'summary': $page['csum']=$v; break;
        case 'charset': 
          $page['charset'] = 'UTF-8';
          if ($v!='iso-8859-1') pwc_show("charset!=iso-8859-1 ($v)", 'error', $pagefile);
        case 'hits': case 'acl':
        default: pwc_show("unknown key: $k ($v)", 'error', $pagefile);
      if (empty($pagename)) {
        pwc_show("couldn't find pagename attribute!", 'error', $pagefile); continue;
      if (empty($page['author'])) {
        pwc_show("couldn't find author attribute!", 'error', $pagefile); continue;
    else {
      pwc_show("couldn't process page headers!", 'error', $pagefile); continue;

    if (!empty($PWC_MarkupConversionsPre))
      $pagetext=preg_replace(array_keys($PWC_MarkupConversionsPre), array_values($PWC_MarkupConversionsPre), $pagetext);
    $pagetext=preg_replace(array_keys($PWC_MarkupConversions), array_values($PWC_MarkupConversions), $pagetext);

    if (!empty($PWC_MarkupConversionsPost))
      $pagetext=preg_replace(array_keys($PWC_MarkupConversionsPost), array_values($PWC_MarkupConversionsPost), $pagetext);

    $page['text'] = $pagetext;
    $page['name'] = $pagename;
    $page=array_merge(array('version'=>'pmwiki-2.2.0 ordered=1 urlencoded=1'), $page);

    if (!pwc_write($pagename, $page))
      pwc_show("couldn't save the converted page", 'error', $pagefile);
  $missing = count($infiles)-$skipped-$converted;
  pwc_show("total files considered: ".count($infiles), '');
  pwc_show("total converted: $converted", '');
  pwc_show('', 'errors');
  pwc_show('', 'skips');
  pwc_show('', 'renames');
  pwc_show('', 'infos');
## Formats and display messages
function pwc_show($msg, $type='info', $context='') {
  static $errors=array(), $infos=array(), $skips=array(), $renames=array();
  switch ($type) {
  case 'info':
    $infos[]=empty($context)?"$msg\n":"$msg ($context)\n";
  case 'error':
    $msg = "<span style='color:red;'>$msg</span>";
    if (!empty($context)) $msg="$msg ($context)";
  case 'skip': case 'rename':
    ${$type.'s'}[]=empty($context)?"$msg\n":"$msg ($context)\n";
  case 'errors': case 'infos': case 'skips': case 'renames':
    echo '<pre>';
    echo "\n$type ($count lines)\n=======================\n"
      .implode('', ${$type});
    echo '</pre>';
    echo "<pre>".print_r($msg, true);
    if (!empty($context)) echo '('.print_r($context, true).')';
    echo "</pre>\n";
## Gets called by ?action=phpwikit (useful for testing markup conversion)
function HandlePHPWikiMarkupTest($pagename) {
  global $PWC_MarkupTestString,
    $PWC_MarkupConversionsPre, $PWC_MarkupConversions, $PWC_MarkupConversionsPost;

  header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); 

  echo "<pre>before conversion:\n"
  if (!empty($PWC_MarkupConversionsPre))
    $text=preg_replace(array_keys($PWC_MarkupConversionsPre), array_values($PWC_MarkupConversionsPre), $text);
  $text=preg_replace(array_keys($PWC_MarkupConversions), array_values($PWC_MarkupConversions), $text);

  if (!empty($PWC_MarkupConversionsPost))
    $text=preg_replace(array_keys($PWC_MarkupConversionsPost), array_values($PWC_MarkupConversionsPost), $text);

  echo "\n\n\nafter conversion:\n";
  echo htmlspecialchars($text);
  echo '</pre>';
## Writes pages to disk
function pwc_write($pagename, $page) {
  global $OutWikiDir;
  foreach ($page as $k=>$v) {
    if ($k=='text') $v=str_replace(array('%', "\n", '<'), array('%25', '%0a', '%3c'), $v);
  if (file_put_contents("$OutWikiDir/$pagename", $str)) return true;
  return false;
## Gets called when converting image links
## (a hook should be added here to enable conversion to gallery recipes).
function pwc_convertImageLinks($link, $ext, $title) {
  # The two lines below could be used to convert some links to Mini: markup
  #if (preg_match('!/phpwiki/files!', $link))
  #  return Keep('Mini:'.basename($l).(empty($text)?'':'"'.$text.'"'));
  if (!empty($title)) $link.='"'.$title.'"';
  return Keep($link);
## Gets called when converting old style tables
function pwc_OldStyleTableConvert($table, $pagename) {
  global $OldStyleTableColPattern, $OldStyleTableColReplacement;
  SDV($OldStyleTableColPattern, '/\s*\|(v+|>|<|\^|)\s*([^\|$]*)/e');
    "'||'.(('$2'=='') ? '__' :
      (('$1'=='>' || '$1'=='^') ? ' ' : '')
      .(('$1'=='<' || '$1'=='^') ? ' ' : (substr('$1',0,1)=='v'?str_repeat('+',strlen('$1')+1):''))

  $table=explode("\n", $table);
  foreach($table as $k=>&$v) {
    if (empty($v)) unset($table[$k]);
  $table=preg_replace($OldStyleTableColPattern, $OldStyleTableColReplacement, $table);

  return ("\n|| class=border\n".implode("||\n", $table)."||\n");
## Gets called then converting definition style tables
function pwc_DefStyleTableConvert($table, $pagename) {
  #return "\n<--------------------START--->\n$table\n<---END------------------------>\n";
  $lines = explode("\n", $table);

  foreach ($lines as $lno=>$line)
    if (trim($line)=='') unset($lines[$lno]);

  $lcount = count($lines);
  $lines = array_values($lines);

  # new row lines - all the lines not starting with space, but ending with '|'
  $prev_nr=0; # line number of the previous new row
  $ccol=2; # column count for the current row batch
  $cols=0; # table column count
  foreach ($lines as $lno=>$line) {
    $linespec[$lno]=array('text'=>trim($line, "| \n"));

    # count the spaces (indent)
    $indent = 0;
    while ($line[$indent]==' ') $indent++;

    # gather new row lines
    if ($indent==0 && $line[$lilen-1]=='|') {
      if ($cols<$ccol) $cols=$ccol;
    # gather the new column lines
    elseif ($line[$lilen-1]=='|') {

  $tablestr = '';
  foreach ($linespec as $row) {
    if (isset($row['newrow'])) $tablestr .= '(:cellnr';
    else $tablestr .= '(:cell';
    #$tablestr .= '(:'.$row['cmd'];
    if (isset($row['colspan'])) $tablestr.=' colspan='.($row['colspan']+1);
    if (isset($row['rowspan'])) $tablestr.=' rowspan='.($row['rowspan']+1);
    $tablestr .= ':) '.$row['text']."\n";
  return "(:table class=border:)\n$tablestr(:tableend:)";
# Datestamp of the original programming: Spring 2009

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