[pmwiki-users] Can I add a banner in the header part of PmWiki?
Peter & Melodye Bowers
pbowers at pobox.com
Wed Feb 27 22:46:35 CST 2008
> I would simply like to add a banner in the header, other than the logo;
> something centered between the logo and the search box would be great.
> I've
> looked in Site/, thought I'd find the header script, but well... Any
> solution
> for this?
This may vary based on skin (I use triad) but I was successful putting some
text centered between 2 different logos by putting it in Site.PageHeader.
Specific markup is below if you want to see - we have a logo in each of 2
different languages and so my banner text is centered between those 2 logos.
|| width=100%
||%lfloat text-align=center margin-right=25px width=100px%
http://www.ccl-al.org/cclmap.gif|| '''[+The Center for Christian
"Glorifying God by equipping spiritual leaders to become grace-oriented
Come and check out a class - you may find your whole life changed! ||%rfloat
text-align=center margin-right=25px width=100px%
http://www.ccl-al.org/qdkmap.gif|| (:if enabled TriadSkin:)(:searchbox
label=$[Go] value=$[Search] focus=on size=18:)(:if:)%right%(:if equal
View]-] ]]%%(:if equal {$View} big:)
%inputbutton%[[{*$Name}?setview=standard&setfontsize=90|[--$[Normal View]--]
]]%% (:if expr enabled FontSizer AND enabled TriadSkin :)
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