[pmwiki-users] Site.* permissions (was: Displaying page permissions)
Tegan Dowling
tmdowling at gmail.com
Sat May 26 10:22:01 CDT 2007
On 5/26/07, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
> On Sat, May 26, 2007 at 02:06:05PM +0200, christian.ridderstrom at gmail.comwrote:
> > On Fri, 25 May 2007, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> > >>Also, who has read access to these new passwd variables? Shouldn't
> > >>they be set to those with attr permissions, or are they...
> > >
> > >The default is to require attr permissions, but it's configurable. On
> > >pmwiki.org I currently have it configured to require no permissions so
> > >that people can see what it will look like from an admin perspective.
> >
> > That makes sense. Just the name of a page can reveal information, e.g.
> > looking for a new house etc.
> After getting some feedback I've decided to go ahead and make this
> recipe part of the core... it seems very useful/important, and it's
> relatively small.
> So, PmWiki will come distributed with a Site.AuthList page by default.
> That leaves the question of whether viewing Site.AuthList should be
> open or restricted to admins by default.
> In fact, this brings up a larger question of what to do with the
> Site.* group in general... should we change the PmWiki default so that
> viewing pages in the Site group is restricted to admins? There
> are three options that I see:
> Option 1: Lock the Site.* group to be read only by admins, but
> unlock specific pages that need to open for reading in general:
> Site.EditForm
> Site.SideBar
> Site.Search
> Site.PageActions
> Site.PageListTemplates
> Site.LocalTemplates
> Site.EditQuickReference
> Site.UploadQuickReference
> Site.AllRecentChanges (?)
> Site.Preferences
> The unlocking would be performed by having a special '@_system'
> read password on the above pages (similar to '@nopass').
> A _huge_ downside to this approach is that any recipes or skins
> that provide readable pages in the Site group would need to take care
> of unlocking those pages as well.
> Option 2: Leave the Site.* group open as it is now, but lock
> certain pages that should generally be restricted to admins.
> This would include:
> Site.InterMap
> Site.AuthUser
> Site.AuthList
> Site.ApprovedUrls
> Site.Blocklist
> Site.NotifyList
> This approach has the (big) advantage of being less intrusive for existing
> sites and recipes, and there don't seem to be that many pages that need
> locking.
> Option 3: Introduce a new SiteAdmin group that contains pages
> specifically intended for the site administrator. This group could
> have a read password that limits viewing to the admin by default, and
> the pages listed in option 2 would move to this new group.
> The downside of this approach is that it complicates upgrading a bit
> in terms of moving existing Site.* pages to the new Site group, as
> well as introducing a new group to the distribution.
I'd favor option #3, as it formalizes something I already try to do - I
already have an Admin wikigroup in my template site that is read-enabled
only for admins. Option three, here, would move into it stuff that I would
already have moved if I could.
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