[pmwiki-users] Site.* permissions
Dr Fred C
drfredc at verizon.net
Sat May 26 10:05:23 CDT 2007
Why not have a Site.ReadPage and/or Site.OpenPage that lists the pages
that can be read and/or opened without admin rights?
Conversely, one might have a Site.LockedPage or Site.AdminPages, which
would be a list of pages to be locked except to admins.
Presumably, these sorts of pages would be set to be only available for
reading and/or opening to admins by default (in local config).
Sites might be best allowed to choose which approach to use, depending
upon the type of site and it's users.
IMHO, these sorts of approaches seem more wikilike that those mentioned
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Sat, May 26, 2007 at 02:06:05PM +0200, christian.ridderstrom at gmail.com wrote:
>> On Fri, 25 May 2007, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>>> Also, who has read access to these new passwd variables? Shouldn't
>>>> they be set to those with attr permissions, or are they...
>>> The default is to require attr permissions, but it's configurable. On
>>> pmwiki.org I currently have it configured to require no permissions so
>>> that people can see what it will look like from an admin perspective.
>> That makes sense. Just the name of a page can reveal information, e.g.
>> looking for a new house etc.
> After getting some feedback I've decided to go ahead and make this
> recipe part of the core... it seems very useful/important, and it's
> relatively small.
> So, PmWiki will come distributed with a Site.AuthList page by default.
> That leaves the question of whether viewing Site.AuthList should be
> open or restricted to admins by default.
> In fact, this brings up a larger question of what to do with the
> Site.* group in general... should we change the PmWiki default so that
> viewing pages in the Site group is restricted to admins? There
> are three options that I see:
> Option 1: Lock the Site.* group to be read only by admins, but
> unlock specific pages that need to open for reading in general:
> Site.EditForm
> Site.SideBar
> Site.Search
> Site.PageActions
> Site.PageListTemplates
> Site.LocalTemplates
> Site.EditQuickReference
> Site.UploadQuickReference
> Site.AllRecentChanges (?)
> Site.Preferences
> The unlocking would be performed by having a special '@_system'
> read password on the above pages (similar to '@nopass').
> A _huge_ downside to this approach is that any recipes or skins
> that provide readable pages in the Site group would need to take care
> of unlocking those pages as well.
> Option 2: Leave the Site.* group open as it is now, but lock
> certain pages that should generally be restricted to admins.
> This would include:
> Site.InterMap
> Site.AuthUser
> Site.AuthList
> Site.ApprovedUrls
> Site.Blocklist
> Site.NotifyList
> This approach has the (big) advantage of being less intrusive for existing
> sites and recipes, and there don't seem to be that many pages that need
> locking.
> Option 3: Introduce a new SiteAdmin group that contains pages
> specifically intended for the site administrator. This group could
> have a read password that limits viewing to the admin by default, and
> the pages listed in option 2 would move to this new group.
> The downside of this approach is that it complicates upgrading a bit
> in terms of moving existing Site.* pages to the new Site group, as
> well as introducing a new group to the distribution.
> At the moment I'm leaning heavily towards option 2. Any comments
> or thoughts from others?
> Thanks!
> Pm
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Always, Dr Fred C
drfredc at drfredc.com
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