[pmwiki-users] Terminology question...
José Geraldo Gouvêa
jggouvea at globo.com
Sun May 20 16:44:04 CDT 2007
The Editor escreveu:
> I'm running out of terminology faster than I'm running out of ideas...
> In my current project I'm adding the following capabilities--and
> wondering if anyone has any input on terminology. Here's what I'm
> going with so far:
> backup: saves entire wiki, or portions to one big file
> extract, restore: retrieves wiki from backup file
action=zpack ; $PackDir
action=zunpack or unpack ; $UnPackDir
Hey, it would be really nice if this recipe had the ability to pack
files locally instead of on the server. It would be the ultimate backup
solution for PmWiki.
> import: takes txt files in a txt folder and converts them to wiki pages
action=from-txt ; $FromTxt
Does it need to be unstructured text? Could it possibly be a .txt file
containing source markup?
> export: takes wiki pages and converts to txt, publishes to a txt folder.
action=to-txt ; $ToTxt
Does it need to be .txt? Could it possibly be a .txt file containing the
> publish: takes wiki page and stores to a html folder as a fully
action=rcache (if remote) / lcache (if local)
Or perhaps the cache destination (local or remote) could be chosen via
> rendered html page (kind of a snapshot, or perhaps a cache)
Would it be possible to serve these cached pages instead of having the
server render from source every time a page is viewed? If so, this would
interest me really very much because I host my site with a friend's host
and would like to reduce server usage.
> delete: deletes a page in a way it can be retrieved
action=delete is already taken by another recipe. BTW PmWiki's deleted
pages are kept in history as long as the normal editions, aren't they?
> restore, undelete: restores delete pages back to use
action=unhide or action=undelete
> Any input appreciated...
Just to make it clear. I don't really think the terms you used were all
that bad. But you asked for ideas... So I gave them...
José Geraldo
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