[pmwiki-users] Literal White Space and GroupFooters

Hans design5 at softflow.co.uk
Thu Mar 22 06:14:24 CDT 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007, 11:02:26 AM, The wrote:

> Just a question though...  I've noticed on several wiki pages where I
> have 3-4 returns at the end of a page, there is a big white space
> between the text of the page and the groupfooter content.  Expected of
> course--but a nuisance to re-edit all the pages.  Is it possible,
> whitespace could be designed to disregard extra line returns at the
> end of a page?  or more than one or two?

> I could go back and edit them all, but it seems it might be something
> LWS could do automatically.  I couldn't think of a simple way to do
> it, but maybe you could.  If not, I'll just have to be a bit more
> careful...

Well some empty lines at the bottom may be just what is intended, so I
would not like to suppress these and rather stay with being "literal".

If you create or modify pages with ZAP you could add

   $text = rtrim($text);

to trim extra lines and white spaces from the end of page['text'].


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