[pmwiki-users] Cookbook cleanup #2

The Editor editor at fast.st
Tue Mar 20 16:33:43 CDT 2007

On 3/20/07, Hans <design5 at softflow.co.uk> wrote:
> Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 9:04:07 PM, Patrick wrote:
> >   http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Cookbook-New
> > I'm thinking I'd like to replace the current cookbook page
> > with this one... any comments or suggestions?
> Searching /Pagelists is missing.
> PageVariables lead to a recipe page.
> Looks good to me otherwise.
> No more Cookbook add-ons.
>  All for >>recipeinfo<<

I'd also suggest we have a div box at the top of each Topic page
summarizing what kinds of things should go in that section.  To help
recipe writers no where to put their recipes.  Granted, they'll put
them where they want, but guidelines might help some.  Also when
searching, we might have these topic pages show up near the top, or
bolded or something...

Second I'd suggest over time, we also put links near the top to some
of the pertinent documentation pages (PmWiki), as some people may be
looking for stuff already in Core, and just don't realize it.  And
maybe some things should be moved around.  For example, Cookbook.Forms
should probably be in PmWiki.Forms, though there are some Tips &
Tricks on the page that might deserve to be in the cookbook... There
might also be links to special pages that compare the different
recipes like the one comparing forms, or the one discussing various
approaches to Hierarchical Groups.  These should perhaps be listed
separately to indicate they help in narrowing down choices without
giving actual solutions themselves.

Also, Pm, don't forget your idea about having an input form for people
to ask questions.  That should probably be somewhere on the new
homepage of the cookbook, with a careful disclaimer that general FAQ
kind of stuff should probably go to the mailing list, while solutions
wanted kind of things might do better in the cookbook.

Anyway, just some thoughts.  As it settles down a bit I'm sure we'll
all have clearer ideas about what we like/don't like...  A huge
improvement already.  I like it a lot!


PS.  I would still like to see the FAQ section reworked also, where
all the questions are listed in a table, for easy perusing, and then
you click on one to see the answer.  A special group for this perhaps?
 It could be done very similarly, using textvars and a pagelist for
easy maintenance.  (And an input box for asking the question).  Just
much easier to read.

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