[pmwiki-users] php 5.2.1 problem (serious)
henrik.bechmann at sympatico.ca
Sun Mar 18 20:53:59 CDT 2007
On the page that renders: Max memory used 2598056
On the page that doesn't render: Max memory used 2962672
(my local environment)
Way under the max...
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 05:58:47PM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> Weird. I notice that your PHP environment is running with memory limits enabled
>> (of 64MB) -- so perhaps PmWiki is hitting the memory limit. This doesn't seem
>> likely, though, as 64MB is a huge amount of memory.
>> FWIW, the most I've ever seen a page require on pmwiki.org is 24MB.
> Here's an interesting experiment...
> Add the following to your local/config.php:
> function PeakUsage($pagename) {
> return 'Max memory used ' . memory_get_peak_usage();
> }
> $HTMLFooterFmt['memlimit'] = 'function:PeakUsage';
> Then, run one of the pages that is large but actually renders correctly,
> and tell me what value appears at the bottom of the page. That will give
> us an idea of whether your site is getting close to PHP's memory limits,
> and if this is somehow the problem.
> (I think you'll also need to add a <!--HTMLFooter--> directive
> to your skin's template -- add it just before the closing </body> tag.)
> Pm
Henrik Bechmann
Webmaster, www.dufferinpark.ca
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