[pmwiki-users] how to pass values to edit template?

Hans design5 at softflow.co.uk
Sat Mar 10 07:52:00 CST 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007, 1:33:49 PM, Petko wrote:

> I am using this for some months now and it works for me. I sent these
> modifications to the recipe author November 14-15 2006 but as he did not
> implement them, I believe he didn't like them much or didn't find them as
> usefull as I did.

Hi Petko,

I did not wish to make NewPageBoxPlus overly complex. Your modification
adds some powerful field processing to the script. It goes far beyond
the simple new page creation form + button which NewPageBoxPlus is
at heart, by using the function but not using the form the script
supplies, and instead building the form with (:input:) markup.

My solution for this was an enhanced AddDeleteLine2 recipe, which I
released as Fox  http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/Fox
for general purpose form processing and page creation.


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