[pmwiki-users] Does this list inhibit development of good documentation?

Kathryn Andersen kat_lists at katspace.homelinux.org
Sun Mar 4 17:07:03 CST 2007

On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 05:27:00PM +0000, Francis Casson wrote:
> Many people (including myself) come to this list after failing to find the
> answer we need in the documentation on PmWiki.org - or not understanding it.
> I propose encouraging the following mailing lists ethic:  If you seek the
> answer to a question and find it on the mailing list, then you should add
> the question and answer to the relevant place(s) on PmWiki.org - This way
> the documentation will improve, FAQs will need repeating less often, and
> long term the traffic on this list will go down.

Lovely idea -- but part of the difficulty is in trying to figure out
what the "relevant place" *is*.

Kathryn Andersen
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