[pmwiki-users] More cool ZAP snippets up...
crisses at kinhost.org
Tue Oct 24 10:23:50 CDT 2006
On Oct 23, 2006, at 4:31 PM, The Editor wrote:
> On 10/23/06, Crisses <crisses at kinhost.org> wrote:
>> On Oct 23, 2006, at 2:16 PM, The Editor wrote:
>>> I plan on putting some more advanced features up a bit later when I
>>> have some time, such as instant messaging, chat/shoutbox, intrasite
>>> mail, email lists, classfieds, member blogs, etc. But I want to get
>>> my own site more zapified first!
>> Thanks for all the work.
>> I don't necessarily understand everything that you're doing, since
>> they're usually snippets devoid of real-life applications, but if I
>> go with ZAP in an upcoming project, you'll probably get sick of me
>> asking you for ideas on how to create forms. And yes, it will
>> probably be a great test of actual applications for it.
> No problem. I'll do my best to help as far as I can. It's these kind
> of real life applications that test our limits and stretch our skills,
> knowledge and experience. I'm really looking forward to working with
> you on this as an excellent opportunity for ZAP to shine.
I agree.
> The real difference between ZAP and FAST Data is a new way of thinking
> about data. Maybe something along the lines of what XML is supposed
> to do. That is: organizing all your information into fields, and then
> separating that from the display. It makes instantly updating the
> layout of every classified ad instantly possible. Way better than
> static comment boxes.
Yes. I know that static data isn't the right way to go on classifieds.
I would need to have a way for only the user & the admin(s) to be
able to change the data, for example, but not any other user(s).
>> I will probably be taking on a classified ads site with a myriad
>> number of features -- including paid subscriptions (probably PayPal's
>> subscription feature) that have to be integrated into the login
>> system (I will refine AuthUserDBase for this), pages &/or ad listings
>> that expire, web guests not being able to see things (that's easy in
>> PmWiki), and a distance-from-zipcode recipe (sorry to non-US
>> people!! that won't work for you).
> I'd recommend a dbase approach for anything using money.
I am in the States and plan on pushing the client to use PayPal.
There's good reason for it -- I don't like the liability of dealing
with payment information, for example. Also, merchant processing
accounts are generally expensive. PayPal hits you harder per-
transaction, but if you have only 5 transactions a month, or each
transaction is for a low amount of money, it's probably more cost
effective than the merchant processing account.
> I've worked
> hard on ZAP's security, but I'm sure there are vulnerabilities I've
> not though of yet.
I have the same problem with things I write. Planning a shopping
cart module is going to be a huge challenge, so I am considering
starting out with the PayPal interfaces. PayPal handles everything
that one could possibly panic about security on -- so I don't have
to. Later, though, I'm going to have to address e-commerce security
> Particularly with text variables making everything
> so accessible. ZAP *will* make it very easy for users to create ads
> and display/sort them how you want. I think by using timestamps you
> can probably limit those displayed to those within a certain realm
> (might need some script to clean up old entries though if you want
> to...). You'll probably have to do the zipcode thing as that is out
> of ZAP's realm.
I'm definitely not as worried about the ads expiring as I am about
other portions of the application. But I'm not going to panic until
I am actually under contract.
I have found zip-code range applications on the web. Even Zend has
an example. So I'm less worried about the back-end actually-
calculating-distance portion -- I'm a little more worried about
storing the user's zip code, the ad zip code, and getting the data
from PmWiki to the back-end script. I can think of some ways to go
about it. I wasn't expecting ZAP to calculate distances -- I am
expecting ZAP to store zip code info, so it can be the default in the
user's search fields.
>> I've looked at other classified ad applications, and plug-ins for
>> large CMS applications, but I don't feel like doing a whole lot of
>> custom programming for other packages when I can do custom work just
>> fine under PmWiki, and probably take less time.
>> And that probably makes PmWiki enter the "hey, this really is a CMS,
>> I guess" territory -- though I guess other people may have gone
>> there. I'd have to say that with similepedia I've definitely crossed
>> the line from wiki-as-a-light-cms to wiki-IS-a-light-cms.
> My FAST site is definitely all CMS, and much more powerful and
> flexible than Drupal ever dreamed of being. Definitely easier to use.
That's part of the point. I can get a classified ad site up quick
and easy. But, oh -- you want paid subscriptions? hrm ... that's
harder. Considerably harder. Wait, you want a zip code search?
That's also harder....
If I have to custom code, it's going to be MUCH easier under pmwiki
than drupal or joomla or even xoops.
> I have never really been involved with a wiki, but from the beginning
> saw PmWiki as the best (potential) CMS available. Esp if you are
> database averse. Like me. There were a few things I couldn't do at
> first, but now ZAP has filled in those pieces for me, and more. It
> replaces all my forum, commentboxes, newpage, new
> member/authentication recipes, etc, while adding lots of new fun
> stuff. One of these days I'll put together a bundle based on ZAP for
> rapid CMS development.
I'm less interested in "rapid" and more interested in "customizable".
> Personally I think PmWiki should take on some of these CMS's out there
> head to head. I know it would blow them out of the water.
Yes, but not until the documentation is a bit better, and until there
are good examples of active CMS applications out there. I have 2 in-
house projects to work on, and the incoming paying work that I am
able to choose whether or not PmWiki is an option for. I think it's
too early to tackle PmWiki shopping carts yet, for example, but a pay-
to-join could work, and work very well.
> Well looking forward to your classified ad project. If you can
> specify the form you want, I'll (try to) write the snippet.
I'll let you know if I get the contract. In the meantime, I'm working
on a page-rating function for PmWiki and I'm about 90% through it.
I'm specifically not taking most of Patrick's recommendations on this
-- they didn't feel PmWiki-like and I didn't care much if the script
could be extending to rating everything under the sun. There's
something about rating a page or whatever the page is about (article,
product, recipe, etc.) that's particularly important and I believe
needs its own dedicated attention. People can take the recipe and
vary it for rating everything under the sun later, but I need basic
functionality, and I need it a month ago ;) I want it to be
extensible, and have added some basic options such as whether to
allow people to vote more than once.
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