[pmwiki-users] save buttons cause page to revert
Tegan Dowling
tmdowling at gmail.com
Thu May 25 08:01:21 CDT 2006
On 5/24/06, Curtis, Clayton <Clayton.Curtis at va.gov> wrote:
> On 5/5 Karin wrote:
> > Hi -- I just installed an instance of pmwiki 2.1.5; I have another
> > instance on the same server that works fine. However, the new
> > install won't let me edit. Inside the edit pane, if I hit save, the
> > edit pane remains and reverts to its prior state, losing all of the
> > changes.
> > I have checked the wiki.d permissions, and set them to 777.
> Did you get this resolved? If so, what was it? If not, were you trying
> to edit existing pages? Any chance the permissions on pre-existing pages
> wouldn't let you save? Can you create new pages?
On 9 May, I asked whether she had a resolution; her reply: "it's
something in the config.php file. I ended up downloading a fresh copy
of pmwiki and rebuilding from the sampleconfig.php. I'm still not
sure what the trigger is, but that fixed it. "
I asked because some friends were having the same symptoms. In our
case, the problem turned out to be in the .htaccess file. We replaced
whatever they were using (wherever they got it from) with the
distribution version, tweaking it to recognize that the root of the
installation was in a directory named 'wiki' - in other words,
changing 'index.php' to 'wiki/index.php'.
I think it helped to enable clean URLs, too.
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