[pmwiki-users] pagelist is creating links relative to the current group?
pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Wed May 24 12:20:15 CDT 2006
Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud <at> pobox.com> writes:
> After reading some of the initial suggestions and thinking about
> it a bit, I've decided to introduce a {$GroupHome} page variable,
> which returns the current "home page" for a group. It currently
> uses the default page as given by $PagePathFmt if such a page
> exists, otherwise it defaults to a page named the same as the group.
> (The default can be changed with a customization to the {$GroupHome}
> page variable, if that's not sufficient I'll add more options.
> PmWikiPhilosophy #3 applies here.)
> One can see this new setting in effect at
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/00736 , or look
> at the pagelist in http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/GroupHome
> and check the destinations of the various group links.
> This update will appear in the 2.1.7 release, sometime later today.
> Thanks for the suggestions and feedback,
> Pm
This seems to work great for pagelists, but I notice that when you test the
variable on a group that doesn't have a home page (or doesn't use the default
page as given by $PagePathFmt) that the {$GroupHome} variable does not return
anything, i.e.
{Cookbook.$GroupHome} => Cookbook.Cookbook
{Main.$GroupHome} => nothing (where Main.HomePage exists)
{NoSuchGroup.$GroupHome} => nothing (where no home pages exist)
Can you explain what makes this work on PageLists? (and provide any other info
that we can use to document this).
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