[pmwiki-users] Further PmWiki Development

Ben Wilson dausha at gmail.com
Fri May 19 18:51:18 CDT 2006

Can't a brother take a break? 2.1-series took four months. Two months
without a release means Pm's given up?!

Sorry, this sounds more like the client prefers a certain wiki product
because of an encyclopedia-clone.

The client is concerned Pm's taken a coding break? How does PmWiki
fail to perform? MediaWiki's releases since March have been about
fixing things that are broken. Pm's not had to release because
nobody's complained about breaks.

I opine the hiatus is good as a "burn-in" period. We as a community
have not yet fully grasped all that 2.1 has done. Take a look at the
word counting recipe. It has been reported broken for a few months and
the last update on it was March 2005 (until yesterday). We need to
catch up with the changes. Furthermore, one of the strengths of PmWiki
(IMO) is the documentation.

That said, I've noticed a lot of questions posted to the list that
have ready answers on the wiki. Some are not that easy to find. I have
also noticed an effort to revise the documentation to ensure that
neophyte users are able to spin up faster, and I'm sure it will catch
this hard-to-find as well. I'll bet if you tell your clients that Pm's
"Winter of Code" is over and the Spring-Summer of Documentation
maintenance is underway would help assuage your clients. How often
does a community actively care about documentation enough to take time
to keep it up-to-date?

I actually think that it might be better for four months of code up
with eight months of recovery (i.e. documentation fixing, bug hunting,
feature finding). The 2.1 introduced some neat improvements and I've
not even caught up with them all--and I'm fairly active.


On 5/19/06, charles at bruen.org <charles at bruen.org> wrote:
> I have implemented two PmWiki sites for my own use, and I have been
> extremely pleased with PmWiki's power and ease of use. A client has
> recently asked me to implement a Wiki for their business site, and I
> recommended PmWiki. However, the client noticed that there has not been
> any releases since March. They are know worried about PmWiki, and want to
> got with MediaWiki (yuck!).
> I know the mailing list is very active, and that PM is still working hard
> on the code, but is their a link somewhere in the documentation that shows
> a development plan to allay their fears.
> Thanks very much.
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Ben Wilson
" Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur"

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