[pmwiki-users] History/trace of the pages already seen
Jean-Philippe Georget
jpgnews2006 at jpgeorget.net
Tue May 16 03:16:18 CDT 2006
Clemens Gruber <cgruber at uni-osnabrueck.de> wrote:
> Hi Jean-Philippe,
> all modern browser have back and forward buttons and you can see in a
> very elaborated history all pages you have visited before. So I see no
> need for rebuilding this on a single website.
Yes, you are right but... I would like to have this functionnality in
PmWiki (as it already exists in Dokuwiki, TikiWiki, etc.). Personally,
I (and so others...) like this "Trace" for an ergonomic reason : it's
faster to click on the page than to go to the back buttons and there
are less items on the page than in the list of the "back" button !
If someone see a good way of obtaining this, I would be very glad ;-)
Jean-Philippe Georget - jpgnews2006 at jpgeorget.net
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