[pmwiki-users] Links with other protocols
Patrick R. Michaud
pmichaud at pobox.com
Wed May 10 09:22:05 CDT 2006
On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 04:03:18PM +0200, Clemens Gruber wrote:
> Hello,
> I've tried to enable links with another protocol in PmWiki (Real
> streaming "rtsp", e.g.
> rtsp://xy.rz.uni-osnabrueck.de/video.rm, by default not supportet), I
> added in config.php:
> # protocol rtsp as link
> $IMap['rtsp:'] = 'rtsp:$1';
> $LinkFunctions['rtsp:'] = 'LinkIMap'
> this works, but I don't know whether this is by chance. ;-)
It's correct.
Still easier is to just add it as an InterMap shortcut -- on Site.InterMap,
you can add:
rtsp: rtsp:$1
> Perhaps I'm one of those with a "weak heart"
> (http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/MakeLink,
> http://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/LinkIMap)
> Is this above a correct use and what are the differences to a markup
> like this:
> $IMapLinkFmt['http:'] = "<a class='httplink urllink'
> href='\$LinkUrl'>\$LinkText</a>";
Using $IMapLinkFmt simply means that the site wishes to replace
PmWiki's default formatting of the link. If no $IMapLinkFmt
exists for a particular prefix, then PmWiki uses $UrlLinkFmt.
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