[pmwiki-users] action=source question

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Wed May 3 07:03:24 CDT 2006

Curtis, Clayton schrieb:
> Curtis, Clayton schrieb:
>> I looked at file types and found that php on misbehaving machines
>> had been set up to open files in Notepad. When I removed that, all
>> worked fine. I have no idea why, since the file should have been
>> processed on the =server=, not the client.
> Joachim Durcholz wrote:
>> It's a well-known IE misbehaviour. Depending on exact version, file 
>> size, and phase of the moon, it will sometimes decide to ignore the 
>> headers that the server sent and infer what to do based on the
>> extension.
>> You can get rid of this by eliminating the .php extension from the
>> URL.
> Thanks!  In this case, I have no control over what is being sent back by
> pmwiki for "action=source", and have no extension to eliminate....  But
> at least removing the association fixed the problem.

What's triggering IE's misbehaviour is not what's being sent back, it's 
that the URL contains an extension (the one that got placed into IE's 
URL field).
I.e. if the URL is of the form
then IE will see a .php extension and act accordingly; if the URL is of 
the form
   .../pmwiki?action=...;n=asdf.qwer (Content negotiation)
   .../asdf/qwer?action=... (CleanURLs)
there's no extension that IE might misinterpret, so it will stick with 
whatever it got sent. (IE might still be misinterpreting things, but at 
least it won't mistake the contents for PHP code.)


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