[pmwiki-users] wiki farm terminology

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Sat Mar 18 18:01:52 CST 2006

H. Fox wrote:
> On 3/18/06, Joachim Durchholz <jo at durchholz.org> wrote:
>> Hans schrieb:
>>> I like to question the term
>>> "wiki engine" used in the documentation.
>>> Do we need to use it, as I don't think it helps?
>>> Instead of "how to install the PmWiki engine" I would rather say
>>> "how to install PmWiki", and instead of
>>> "Installing the pmwiki engine outside the web document tree"
>>> rather "Installing PmWiki outside the web document tree".
>> I think the term "PmWiki" usually covers the standard installation, i.e.
>> the code plus one wiki.
>> The "engine" terminology just distinguishes the code part.
> That's precisely why I asked the question about the phrase a couple of
> days ago.  When you unzip the tarball you get two things, the wiki
> engine and a pre-installed wiki (minus a configuration file and
> wiki.d/).
> "Installing PmWiki" and "installing the PmWiki engine" for a farm are
> different., the distinguishing difference being that if you're only
> installing the engine you will need to make sure the pre-installed
> wiki is disabled and the pub/ directory is accessible and specified in
> farmconfig.php.
> So I like the phrase "PmWiki engine" because it describes an
> installation of the PmWiki software minus any wiki.  Calling it the
> "PmWiki installation" is ambiguous.  To me, a PmWiki installation has
> at least one wiki.
> That said, if the consensus is that we should avoid the phrase I'll do
> that, especially if someone will please specify what exactly we will
> call the non-wiki part of a PmWiki installation.
PmWiki code. PmWiki base. Pmwiki engine. PmWiki base directories. PmWiki 
code directories.

> Hagan
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