[pmwiki-users] Proposed Default Stylesheet (pmwiki.css)

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Fri Feb 17 17:32:44 CST 2006

Susan schrieb:
> Joachim Durchholz wrote:
>>H. Fox schrieb:
>> > h1 { font-size:1.8em; margin-top:<something>; margin-bottom:18px; }
>> > h2 { font-size:1.4em; margin-top:<something>; margin-bottom:16px; }
>> > ...
>>Not 'px', that should be 'ex' or 'em'. After all, the margins should 
>>depend on font size.
> I tried that, having the border sizes relative to the font size, and 
> didn't like the results at all. Larger font -> larger margins -> less 
> area for text.
> Less area for text + larger font -> not a lot of text on the page -> 
> even more scrolling.


OTOH, somebody who needs the larger font will be used to a *lot* of 
scrolling. After all, empty lines increase in height, too.

Of course, to really resolve this, it would be a good idea to ask 
somebody with a visual impairment :-)
(There are specialty glasses that will artificially blur your vision, so 
this kind of test can be done if your vision is perfect. I just don't 
have the faintest idea where to get a pair...)


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