[Pmwiki-users] "templating" or how to layout PmWiki

Steven Leite steven_leite
Fri Feb 20 20:57:27 CST 2004

> I am one of the persons trying to get PmWiki look a lot
> different, but I had some problems in the previous version and the new
> layout is even harder to change.
> It's not really the code of the pages, but the way it is done. In fact
> the learning curve in this part of PmWiki is kinda high IMHO.
> I am just again lost in all those *Fmt-Arrays and variables :-] which
> makes me think if there can be an easier way for doing the "look" .

I completely agree with all of the above, and it was my same complaint.

I think it's not so much that it can't be done, or even that it can't be
done easily, I think it's more a matter of, the customizations are not done
"in the way that we expect they would be done".  I'm not sure if this is
good or bad, but as Pm will be quick to point out, "it's easy to do it ..
just do this".  He always gives magically easy ways to get things
accomplished which is just awesome.  But the fact still remains, for a
typical admin (with a bit of html experience), things are definately not "as
we would expect" in the customization department.

I don't think re-designing PmWiki to accomodate us is an option, so I think
instead we need to write some simple template tutorials.

Balu, I would like to suggest you document your progress with your site
design (in notepad or something, just some basic steps that you did, and
what order you did them in), then we can create a section on the website
(subsection under customizations), and have a section on user template
tutorials.  This will be really great learning aid for people who are new to


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